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You shivered as you pulled the covers over your sore and fatigued figure, your eyes closed as they focused on the only pleasure you had; sleep.

However, the pleasure of sleep hadn't found you for the past four months. Your head full of thoughts that you didn't know the answers to; answers you knew you wouldn't get.

You sighed and turned over onto your back, eyes still closed as you still sought the sleep that hadn't given you any mercy.

You gazed up at the high ceiling now, hands gripped at the thick covers of the duvet thrown over top of you.

You wondered; why had he given you such nice things if you were just a prisoner? Well technically you weren't a prisoner, but still it counted; you didn't really want to be here but you were forced against your will.

You assumed it was because he'd come in here frequently; the man was high maintenance from what you could gather. He probably didn't want to fuck on some cot with a sheet; that's probably why you got a nice bed and covers.

You shook your head and got up from the bed, walking around in the room before making your way to the door and jiggling the handle; which was locked. Not surprisingly.

You walk towards the little chest that held all your personal belongings, opening it up and shuffling through a few things before pulling out a hair tie to pull your hair out of your face.

You sat down on the cold floor and shook your head.

What was wrong with you?

Why didn't you retaliate against him or something?

Were you really all that scared of him?

You sighed and crossed your arms; yes. Yes you were.

You looked over at the door and back st the chest, kneeling up to search around some more before finding what you were looking for; a bobby pin.

You hummed and stood, walking back to the door to jiggle the handle one more time, bending one side of the pin back so one side stuck out.

You leaned against the door and stuck it inside the lock, jiggling it and turning it around to no success.

"God...I just want to get out of this damn room.."

You bit your lip, pulling the pin up inside the lock before turning it and pressing into it to hear a satisfying click.

You smiled slightly, pulling away to turn the handle and open the door a crack; looking around at the vacant office.

You grinned, walking out towards his desk where the key must've been hidden at.

You sat down in the large leather chair, opening up drawers and scrounging around  files before finding the key underneath a stack of your credentials and confidential.


You picked it up and frowned, looking down at the strip of paper attached to it.

You turned it over and read over it once before gripping the cold metal.

"You fucking prick."

If you found this you nosy little nuisance, you must've escaped from your little room. Hopefully you knew where the key was or perhaps you got too caught up in your thoughts to care to check underneath the most obvious spot. You keep complaining about not being able to sleep, maybe if you moved the key from underneath your pillow you would've been able to get some rest.

Mr. 0Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin