Pocky Game

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BloodyBloom17 on deviantart

"Come on Sr.Crocodile~" You pleaded.

"For the last time NO!" He growled. He's dealing with tons of paperwork today and your constant pleading isn't helping!

You have been asking him non-stop about a game. A game that's said to be trend in many parts of the grandline called 'The Pocky game'.
It's just a simple game. Two persons will each bite the end of one pocky stick and take small bites and eat it until the two ended up smooching. A very simple game. It's ridiculous that something this SIMPLE is a trend nowadays. It's so popular to teens mostly; Mostly in their skimpy childish pajama parties.
But what really grinds his gears is that his subordinates are doing this too. He would see them do the pocky game almost ANYWHERE. In the middle of the meeting, in the halls, outside the base, and even in the restrooms (I wanna tell who it is but I want you guys to guess instead XD).

The last thing he wanted to happen is someone asking him to do that ridiculous trend with him. But it seems the gods are awfully friendly with him today.

"Pretty please with a sugar on top?"

"No, Ms.Halloween. And for your information I don't like sweets." He bitterly replied. He can't believe the others managed to influence you, his right hand man (or woman), into playing this childish nonsense.

"Wow, really?" You said with a glint of sarcasm. "No wonder you're so bitter."
Sir. Crocodile did nothing in reply but scoff and then concentrate on the mountain of paperwork to do for the upcoming plan of Utopia.

"PLEASE! Just this once and I won't ask you to do this ever again!" You pleaded some more, clutching the box of pocky on your hands.

Sir.Crocodile just had enough. He slammed his hand and hook on the table hard, making a crack on the hardwood table, and stood up to face you. He brought his face close to yours and glared.

"If I do this stupid childish game with you, JUST THIS ONCE, you will never ask me to do that AGAIN?" He grinned the phrase 'Just this once' and the word 'again' hard as he spoke.

"Yes. I promise!" You reassured. You even crossed your heart doing so.
He grumbled a bitter 'fine'. He took out the tobacco from his mouth and lit it out from his ashtray.

"Let's just hurry this up."
A smile of accomplishment escaped your lips. You took out a pocky from the box and bit one of the ends of the stick. Sir.Crocodile mimicked, biting the other end.
"Ready? Go!" You said between teeth.

You two started to bite and chew in sync. Seconds past and the pocky is just now a mere 3 inches. Your face is close to his. And thus finally, a several bites later, your lips finally reached his. You taste a glint of tobacco; obviously for his constant habit of smoking. His fragrance is an intoxicating mixture Alabastian perfume and tobacco smoke with a dash of natural masculine scent. It just made you go crazy inside.
He cupped your chin and deepened the kiss. A deep blush appeared on your cheeks.

All of a sudden, out of the blue Ms. All Sunday came in the room carrying a stack of papers.

"Mr.0, here's another stack of papers for you to sign-"
She dropped the stack of papers to the ground, scattering it into a total mess. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. You and Mr.0 stood there with both of your lips intertwined.

You and Sir.Crocodile just stood there staring at Ms.All Sunday; Forgetting that your lips are still intertwined with each other.

Ms. All Sunday noticed the box of pocky on your hands. Realization struck her; an 'O' formed her lips and she began to giggle.

"I'm sorry. I guess I intruded a special makeout session." She chuckled and turned away, heading for the door.
You and Sir.Crocodile broke the kiss. Your cheeks tainted dark red.

"Actually, Ms.All Sunday we just finished." Sir.Crocodile grumbled and started to pick up the scattered paperwork on the floor made by his clumsy partner.

Ms.All Sunday just giggled and shutted the door behind her as she exited. Boy that woman can be such a pain sometimes.

You tried to contain your warm blush it's just too stubborn to go away.

"Oi, (Name). Quit standing there and help me pick these up."

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