
689 34 11

Had too I'm sorry c':

The long way home was dreadful, not saying any kind of walking was fun for the middle aged man. Seeming as he did all of that smoking.

His body was soaked from the downpour, the rain hitting his back like bullets.

Nothing he could do anymore, nothing at all.

All he could and would do would be to sit in his desk and wait for the call that would make or break his heart into an even more dysfunctional mess.

The cars on the road skimmed over the water, splashing discarded puddles onto him as they passed him by.

Everything at the moment was in slow motion for him, he looked back up to the sky, rain running down his face.

His shirt clung to his drenched figure, his hook dangling beside him as he closed his eyes letting the droplets of water encase him in his hell.

He moved forward slowly, running his hand through his soaked hair to pull it back.

He watched the sidewalk underneath of him go by as he walked over it, a calming feeling washing over him with the rain.

He felt a small smile pull at the corner of his lips as he stepped through a puddle.

Remembering, even though he had told you otherwise, how you'd jump into them and get yourself dirty just so he'd have to make you change into his clothes; because he knew you wouldn't dare get them dirty.

A chuckle sounded through his lips as he shook his head.

"Crazy...that's what you were..."

He shakes his head.

"That's what you're're not gone yet..'re not're going to wake up soon and I know you will.."

A shiver slid down his spine as more thoughts flooded into his already clouded mind.

He knew how he'd handle it; or how he wouldn't.

The phone would ring, he'd pick it up expecting the word of your release, only to catch wind of what he feared most.

His eyes pricked with tears at the thought, quickly washed away with the rain.

He grumbled to himself about how ridiculous it seemed that you wouldn't wake up.

Because he knew you would.

You should.

You should wake up right now.

You could be awake right at the very moment worried about where he'd gone away to.

He shook his head and leaned against the post beside him, resting his head against it with his eyes closed.

"Come on Crocodile...get ahold of yourself... Y/n's fine...she always will be.."

He opened his eyes slowly, sauntering across the walk and quickly making his way into a café nearby.

The bell above the frame jingled as he stepped through the doorway, the customers all flicking there eyes to the tall man present.

He walked slowly to the table next to the window, watching the rain outside beat against the window; taunting him.

A young woman came over to take an order, but he simply waved her away.

He leaned into the palm of his hand, thunder rolling across the dark cloudy sky as lightning flashed and crackled in time with the beats of the pounding rain.

He watched a couple huddled under a umbrella walk past the little shop, his heart dropping at the sight.

They were tightly packed together; side by side as the man covered the woman with his coat as the umbrella leaned over her head.

His frown flickered slightly, eyes burning with hot tears as they filled each of his dulled and worn gray eyes.

A single tear slid down his cheek, lips twitching into a scowl as he leaned back in the chair; eyes flooding tears down his pale cheeks.

"My poor baby.."

His scowl faded, his lip held between his teeth as tears streamed down his face.

He leaned forward, burying his face into his arms as he let the hot, salty tears take over his vision.

Patrons of the café moved away, worried for their own safety as the man got up and pushed the door open, lumbering up the way.

He stopped momentarily to look back in the direction of his beloved, walking briskly to their shared home.

He fumbled with the keys, opening the door and stepping in.

He stripped himself of his clothing, setting them aside for the maids.

He left himself in nothing short of his briefs, slowly making his way in the direction of his study.

He threw open the door, shutting it and locking it behind him.

He slid the robe on the back of his chair on, pulling open his drawers.

He sat the bottle on top of his desk, pulling out the case and setting it nearby.

He took out his bottle, knocking back a pill before swallowing it down with his bottle of whiskey.

His vision blurred for a moment before he refocused on the case.

He opened it up, taking the cigar and lighting it quickly as he put it away.

A glass was sat on his desk as he poured himself a drink that he continued to sip on for the next five or so minutes as he stared blankly up at the ceiling.

His eyes scanned the walls, landing at the recently painted portrait of the two of you.

His eyes glared aimlessly at whoever looked, your e/c eyes soft and shining as the smile on your lips pressed a grin to his own as he leaned back.

He hummed softly, resting his arms behind his head as he examined your features.

Your s/c skin smooth, your h/c framing your face as your lips positioned a soft smile beside his frowning contrast.

His eyes wandered to his face, his cold gray eyes framed, hand delicately placed on your shoulder as his chin tilted up, eyes looking down upon everything.

He chuckled to himself at his expression, leaning up in his chair as the glass was emptied.

He poured the rest of the bottle into the glass, knocking it into the trashcan beside his desk.

He clutched the glass in his hand, his eyes trained on the substance caught in it.

He swirled the glass around, watching it contort into nothing but a swirling mess.

Such as his heart.

Realization had smacked him in the face when he remembered how you'd curl up to him In bed.

You're not here.

If you're not here there's no reason for him to sleep.

He wouldn't sleep without you with him, he couldn't.

You were the only thing keeping the nightmares away, the fears and dread that ate him up when he was alone.

Now you were gone, trapped in your own darkness that was eating away at you as he sat there idly.

He had never though about it, but now that it had become reality he was unnerved.

You were lost within your own mind, asleep in the depths of your thoughts and dreams.

Though you may be asleep, you're awake.

You're awake in another reality.

Another reality where he doesn't exist.

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