Live without

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You smiled and kissed his cheek once more, his hand coming up to cup your cheek as his thumb grazed across your skin slowly.

"I'm so sorry.."

"You shouldn't be didn't do any're alive aren't you? That's all that matters to me...I don't know what I'd do with myself if you had died..."

"Oh that's bullshit..."


You sighed and shook your head.

"I don't want to bicker...I want to just..look at you.."

You tilted your head and raised a hand to brush hair from his face, tucking it behind his ear as his eyes closed.

You leaned forward and kissed his forehead, letting your lips linger there for a moment longer before pulling back and gazing over his face.

"Tired of looking at me yet? Not much to see.."

"Oh I think there's plenty to see.."

You smiled and chuckled softly, running a hand through his hair.

"Is there now.."

" have your pretty eyes..if you'd open them.."

You grinned and raised an eyebrow, watching his eyes slowly open to look up at you.


"Mm...such a nice dark but light.."

"You love bullshitting me don't you."

"Its my favorite activity..besides the obvious."

He chuckled softly, lips twitching up to a small smile.

" to me lovely, are you feeling alright.."

"I'm feeling good now that I know you're here...i was almost afraid you wouldn't come to see me.."

"Crocodile you should know better.."

"I know I know, its just that part of me..I've never been seen in such a pitiful state since...since.."

"I know.."

You let your smile drop slightly, your eyes softening as you reached over to his wrist and pulled it closer, bringing it up to kiss over the stitches sutured there.

"And I don't hold that to you do I? Why would I hold this to you knowing you had nothing to do with it?"

"I don't know...I just never felt that important to someone before.."

"Well you're important to me...very important to me..."

You leaned down to rest your forehead against his shoulder, closing your eyes as you listened to the soft hum of the machines and rhythmic beat of his heart.

"Y/n, sleep."

"No I don't want to sleep until you do.."

"I will sleep, I can't go anywhere.. Just.."

You leaned back as he shifted away, sliding over slightly to the other edge of the bed.

"The only good thing about being this height is getting the good beds.."

You shook your head and chuckled softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed as you kicked your slippers off, sliding the robe off and laying it over the side.

"That's one perk...and being my size next to someone of your size is even better..."

You laid back and looked at him before smiling and turning on your side, curling up next to him as his arm wrapped around you to pull you closer.

"Just imagine we're back at home.."

"That's hard to imagine when I can hear mechanical beeps.."

"Drown those out then..I'm still here aren't I? We're at home...we're laying on the couch..."


You let yourself slowly drift off as he continued to describe the warm home, your warm home. His warm home.

Wherever he was it felt like you were back in that nice warm bed, right with him falling asleep.


"You remember don't you? We fell asleep on the couch, the fire was going and you were laying on me...and I was running my hand through your this.."

You smiled slightly at the light touch of his hand, pressing your cheek against his chest as his fingers flitted through your hair slowly, resting against the back of your neck before he started up again.

"And your eyes started closing..but you kept forcing yourself awake even though I knew you were knew you were too.."

You opened your eyes slowly, looking up at him with lidded eyes as you let out a contented sigh, leaning up for a kiss as he did the same; lips coming together shortly before you pulled away.

"Mm...I thought I'd never be able to do that again.."

"Then why did it end so abruptly.."

You rolled your eyes.

"You're such a smart ass.."

"I know, but its better than being a dumb ass..."

"You are correct.."

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