Wedding Day pt 1

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 "Rise and shine Sleeping Beauty!" A faint voice said. I pulled the blankets over my head and grumbled but a few seconds later the blankets were ripped away and I was greeted with bright light. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping the light would go away, but it didn't.

"Come on Em, you have to get up, we have a lot to do!" I looked at the clock, 7:00. It was way too early. "Have you forgotten what today is already?" I then remembered and sat up so fast that I got super dizzy. Today was the day I become Mrs. Horan. How could I forget!

Last night Niall went to the guy's flat and stayed there for the night because Tori made him. So the next time I see him we will be at the alter.

Tori left the room laughing so I could get dressed. I just threw on some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt and walked down stairs to be greeted by my friends.

"There's Emily!" Jaidyn said in a dramatic voice. "We have been waiting for like ever!" I giggled and walked to the kitchen smiling. I don't think I will ever be able to stop smiling. Although there was this weird feeling in the back of my mind like something was going to happen but I pushed it away. It's my wedding day, no bad thoughts!

"So what's first on the agenda?" Caley asked.

"Breakfast, I'm starving!" I replied. I thought about what to eat and decided I didn't want to cook, so we decided to go and eat at McDonalds. Yes, McDonald's, I really wanted food from there!

"Ok Em, Jaidyn, Reese and I are going to make sure everything is perfect at the venue and reception area and Caley and Lexi are going to take you somewhere where you don't have to worry." Tori said. I nodded, I was really happy that I wouldn't have to stress and get everything ready. I am so thankful I have such great friends.

We split into our different groups and Lexi, Caley, and I made our way to the salon. We spent a total of 3 hours there and when we were done we made our way back to the car and to get ready for the wedding. It started 1 and a half hours from now and I was super nervous. I still had this strange feeling something was going to go wrong. Again I tried to push that feeling away.

I looked out the window watching all the scenery pass by, I was so enchanted I hadn't noticed that we were almost there.

"Em, are you excited to finally be Mrs. Horan?" Lexi asked

"Very! It feels like I've been waiting a lifetime for this. I am finally going to marry my prince!" I had a giant smile on my face.

"You too are so cute together!" Caley said. My smile grew if that was even possible. About 5 minutes later we reached our destination. I walked inside the church greeted by a bunch of people rushing me into a room to get ready.

I closed the door and found my dress hanging up on the door. I uncovered it and slipped it on. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It was perfect. I admired the dress for another moment before putting me heels on. I opened the door to see Liam standing outside the door. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He came over to me and hugged me.

"You look beautiful Em. So mature and grown up. I am sorry about everything bad that has happened in your life, I am so sorry I was never there to pro-" I cut him off and kissed him on the cheek.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, you couldn't control those things. I am so happy that you are my older brother. Everything that happened in the past is in the past. I love you Liam." I was trying to keep myself from crying so I hugged him again.

"I love you too Em." We hugged for another moment and then he said, "It's really hot in here, I'm going to go open the window real fast." We let go and he opened it.

"Liam, can I be alone in here for a few moments?" He nodded, kissed me on the cheek, and left. I sat down trying to calm myself down and relax.

-Niall's POV

I can't stop moving. I have too much energy to stop moving. In short 42 minutes Emily Payne will become my wife. She is my princess and I have been waiting a lifetime to marry her.

"Knock Knock!" A female voice said, removing me from my thoughts. I turned around and saw a person I haven't seen in what feels like ages.

"Jordan!" I said as I hugged her. "Where have you been, I haven't seen you in forever! What has my younger sister been up to?" She laughed.

"I've been here and there and I've missed you too! You need to come home and visit sometime we all miss you and I haven't even met sophia yet!" She said and I realized that she was right. I rarely go home anymore, I rarely see my family. I smiled at her and we talked for another few minutes when I was time for me to get out of this room and start to greet everyone. The church was beautiful and the decorations were equally as beautiful. Just like Emily.

I walked down the aisle saying hello and welcome to people on my way down. I chatted with a few people and then checked on Sophia to see if she was ready. We decided that she was going to be the flower girl and she looked so pretty, I am so glad she is my daughter. Some how she is just like her mom even though Emily isn't her birth mother. When I was done I made my way to the altar waiting for my soon to be wife.


Heyyy! I know it's been forever since I last updated! I'm moving again and that has taken up so much time. I am also now a Freshman! I start school soon so I'm not sure how much I'll update and how much longer this story will be, but I'll try to update as much as 
I can! there is Emily's wedding dress.



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