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Tori's POV

Any day now. The baby can come any day now. To be honest, I am so scared to become a mom, but I know that I won't have to do it alone which helps a little.

Right now, I am just about to go and eat breakfast with everyone and by everyone I mean One Direction, Emily, Emily's friends, which are now my friends, and my wonderful boyfriend. Apparently, Emily came back to live with the boys last night, so I hope everything will be ok. I can't handle anymore stress.

"Hey honey, do you want to get going so we get there a little early to make sure we get a table with enough tables for us?" Jack asked. (AN:was that his name? I forgot what his name was, did I ever say his name?)

"Ya, let's go." I told him waddling out the door of our hotel room. By the way, I still live in Paris, because it was Jack's home and I didn't really want to leave.

We got in the car and Jack drove us to Jungle love (AN: I don't know if this place is real, I just said what popped in my head.)

When we got there, I struggled to get out of the car, but eventually made it to the ground. We walked in and saw that there weren't to many people here. That's good.

"Hello how many?" The lady asked.

"12." I said. She nodded, grabbed the menu's and lead us to a place in the back with very large tables. Large families must eat here a lot. "Thank you" I told her as I sat down at one of the chairs near the end. All of a sudden I felt this really sharp pain in my stomach area. Jack must've seen the pain in my face because he came over to me to see if I was alright.

"Are you okay? Is the baby coming?" He asked. I shook my head, the pain had already went away.

"I'm fine. But thank you, I love you."

"I love you too." He leaned in and right when we were about to kiss, someone yelled,

"EW! PDA! PDA! MY EYES!" I turned around to see Louis covering his eyes and everyone else behind him trying to move around him. I laughed and stood up to go and hug Emily.

"Hey there stranger." I told her. She laughed.

"Hey!" She sat down next to me and then Niall set down next to Emily. I wonder if they have made up? I look down at Emily's finger and so she was wearing her engagement ring again. They must have made up then, I'm so happy for her! I then felt something wet on my leg. I looked down and noticed a lot of dripping water. My eyes widen.

"Um guys, I think my water just broke." I said trying to get up. Jack got up from his chair and hurried over to me.

"Oh my god the baby is coming!" He kept repeating. Jack helped me up and hurried us to the car, with everyone following.

"Emily and Niall, come with us. Everyone else split up into different cars and meet us there." Jack told everyone. I had told him that I wanted Emily to be there with me because she has been such a great friend to me, she's like a sister to me. I also said Niall could be there too because he wanted to be with Em.

"Uggh!" I yelled. The contractions were getting worse.

"Breathe Toro, we are almost there. Just breath." Emily reassured me. I started to get really nervous about being a mother. What if I'm not a good mom? What if my children hate me? I haven't told anyone what I'm having yet, well except Jack of course. I am actually having twins! A boy and a girl!

I felt the car stop and Jack helped me out of the car and we all walked as fast as we could to the doors of the hospital.

"Help! Lady about to give birth here!!!" Jack yelled at the lady. She nodded and ran and got a wheelchair for me. I sat down, my breathing really quick and heavy. The lady started wheeling me away. I saw Jack next to me and Emily and Niall walking one the other side of me. I was wheeled into a room and everyone had to help me get onto the bed. The contractions started coming closer together and they started to hurt really badly.

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