Chapter 5

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When I got home in January I was a year older . And somehow they knew .  A year older and they gave me Biscuit's  and bones and CHEESE .

I love CHEESE .

Toby didn't like any of this thing's . Not even cheese . He likes little animals like mice and cricket's stuff like that.

One day his eyes turned a emerald green and he became my size . He was shorter then me by a little but not much .

Toby would love to watch the hummingbird feeder and the bird feeder . I think in his mind he was thinking what it would be like to eat one of them because if he saw a fat bird he would paw at it like he was going to get it though the glass .

Then just like that Toby told he was a year older in June .

Joey and Liz where singing together and they weren't bad singers .

Stacy was mated with another dog named Tom . His real name was Tom Riddle bacause  he was a white and a black patch on his chest . He had black Paws . He was a werid sheltie but when they had puppies they got fixed .

I was fixed long ago I was half way asleep when we got there and I slept through the whole thing .

I don't think they did  though .

But anyway Joey and Liz were spending so much time together that no one would play ball with me .

I thought they were never going to play ball with me ever again until the fair in July .

They had everything Biscuits for dogs . Dogs could come into the fair and it was amazing . I saw Joey and Liz kiss.

I really didn't care but I should for ... 
Liz but I guess she liked it . I think
they have never broke up .

Anyway On the night of April it stormed hard and there was the flashes and the loud roars of the store .

I hard I different roar in a storm it sounds like a train .

Joey has talk adout this it is a .  TORANDO !!!!!

I bark I ran up and down the stairs trying to get Liz and her mom and dad  downstairs .

I could tell that it was big Joey Joey doesn't have a basement . Then Liz got my collar and said " Katie let's go ."

I look at her and I think to myself no Joey is in trouble and you will thank me later .

I ran out the door and I ran to Joey and Stacy . The twister was coming fast .

I barked and then Joey came out holding Stacy . I barked at him and then he followed me .

There was a big spot in the ditch and I know that we will be ok .

I heard the roar and Joey said something I will never ever forget . " Katie we may not make it . We will only be ok if the Torando shifts north to Liz's house . No I would rather die in this then Liz . "

Joey got me and Liz and put use under him .

Then the Torando came closer and it was coming right towards  us .

The sky Because gray and then ever think when black . Pitch black .

Katie ( Still Making ) Where stories live. Discover now