Chapter 4

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After a bath Liz carried me home so that mud wouldn't get on my paws.

This Joey guy is nice after a bath he gave me a biscuit . Liz never does that . Stacy has not changed she has aways loved water . She would go to the back of Joey's house and swim in the creek .

When the Creek is behind or house to but it had no Island like Joey's did instead of off the the left  like Long Legs's was in was in the middle .

Me and Stacy played tag a war and find me in the woods by the creek .

One day Joey and Liz where talking by the creek  .

When Joey got all sweaty and said something to Liz . He said this " Liz Will you ... go out with ... me "

" Yes Joey I will ."

Anyone no what that means. 

Then Joey was coming over when Liz's mom and dad where home .

Then a few weeks later she didn't get on the bus for a very long time .

She said it was the end of the school she was going into the 6th . Whatever that means .

When it was what humans call Fourth of July . They would shot up Fireworks that scare me .

After that Liz started playing something called a Clarinet . Joey started playing a Flute .

They hurt my ears so when they played them I the dogs the new doggie door . That was placed there a week  ago .

Then one day they when on that old yellow  bus.

I remember Flutter she once was a good person . Liz told me this story a million times .

Flutter once was the girl everyone liked she never had a fight with  anybody and no one have problem  with her .

She was so nice she would give you candy if you never pick on anyone .

She was the most loved by teachers . They would tell as that they had no favorite , but we all knew it was Flutter.

But like ever good person her father started abusing her and she fell into darkness and despair .

She picked on everyone she started wearing black eyeliner . And get fake tattoos . She would say if she could she would get a real tattoo .

She was picking on little Tomas a kindergarten and Liz's friend Sherry stood up for Thomas . Like ever person who thinks they are something she back done like a wimp .

She died her hair Pink and never brushed it all she did with it is put a  little black hair ties all over .

It didn't take us long to start throwing thinks at her when she messes with anyone .

But like in every story with a villain . There is always a hero and that hero was Liz she was getting of the bus when she punshed  her and Liz takes karate classes and I think you know what  happen .

I heard a trash can fall over from Joey's house so I ran on over to see what it was .

It is a stray  cat . This was no ordinary cat . This was a friendly cat he purred when she saw me and rubbed against me .

I show the cat the way to my home and me and Stray waited at the front door for Liz to come home and she I have a friend who needs our help .

Stray was a little cat he still had blue eyes . He had a spotted pattern of blue and white on his blackish white is fur he had black ears and black paws . His nose was black and not pink   .

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