Upper Downers

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When I woke up, my mouth was taped and hands were tied. All I could see was the back of the drivers seat, I tried my hardest to remove the tape from my mouth, but it looks like it's duct tape. The asshole looked at me and smiled.

"Hello, sleeping beauty, your finally woke." His eyes went down my body lustfully, fucking prick, I looked down and noticed the dress was ripped. "Oh, I didn't do anything to you, your dress got caught in the door. I like my woman awake" he parked, then got me out the car, carrying me into a house. "I knew I had to have you. That smart mouth of yours caught my interest" he had to be mentally sick. Once we got into the house he untied me, I carefully took off my shoes before throwing them at him"What do you want from me you bastard!"

"Nothing,yet. I'm just using you to squeeze money from that cop you were talking to. It's obvious that you two are fucking each other"

"Who gives a damn? Two grow people can't fuck?"

"I bet he doesn't even fuck you good enough"

"And what? You think you can fuck me better than him? Are all men as delusional as you?"

"Once he figures​ out that it was me, he'll call and we'll negotiate"

"Why do you think he cares that much about me? Just because we're fucking, doesn't mean he'll pay a price for my safety, smart ass" he was obviously a stupid, that didn't even make sense at all.

A few hours passed and I threw my shoes at him again "Let me go you dick, find someone else to hold hostage so you can basically extort him out of his money. Kidnap one of his co-workers or family members, just let me go" I was getting beyond annoyed with him.

"Hush, it's him" he answered his phone and left the room, locking the door behind him. What the hell did I have to be dragged into this bullshit! Even when I am being held hostage, at least I was drug those several other times. But this time it was very different. He walked back in but was still on the phone, he came close to me and yanked at the dress "What the hell! I didn't even buy that dress, you ruined a beautiful gown you dick!" He quickly took a picture, and I guess he sent it to Jackson. Probably to make it seem like it was in real danger. Honestly, I've felt more threatened by 5 year olds than him. He left once again and came back with a laptop "Seriously, let me guess, your going to stream me live for people to watch in panic"

"Ding, ding, ding. Correct"

"And your going to tell me to act afraid and scared for my life"

"Correct again, honestly I don't plan on hurting you, unless I have to. I don't want to mess up your pretty face and body" I rolled my eyes, ugh, this kidnap bullshit is tiring.

"Can I got to sleep, I've been passed out but being around you is putting me to sleep"

"You can go to sleep, I'm waiting on him to call me back anyway" worst. Kidnapper. Ever. I would rather be caught up in Alexander drug business, then being stuck here. Luckily, the idiot didn't check me for my phone or go through my purse. I pulled out my phone and messaged L and Oli, since Jackson some how found out who he was.

Group Chat

Melissa: Oli, L, I need you both to track my location and if you can, meet up and come get me.

Oliver: Okay, me, Erik, and Jade we're worried about you last night.

L: How does the man look

Melissa: Same guy that bothered me at our table.

L: His name is Charles Davidson, do you think your friend can find him?

The Cop and The Submissive Book 1 of 2 {Light BDSM} {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now