Acid Accident

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I'm livid. How the fuck could this possibly happen to me. Why L, out of all the men I've met had to be related to that prick. And he was so perfect, a combination of mystery and seductiveness, my feelings are actually hurt. "This is soo unfair. Why me!" I pull up to the house feeling even more drained then ever.

"Hey Lissa, what's wrong you look pissed and hurt?" Jade looked at me worried, making me even more upset. Fuck, this is going to be the hardest thing ever to tell anyone.

"L, is related to Angel, and my heart and mind is deep in shock. I'm hurt but... I'm incredibly turned on even though I haven't even had the chance to have fuck him yet. What am I supposed to do?"

"You will hate me after I say this but... Fuck them both. Have a full blow 3 some."

"What the fuck Jade, the hell is wrong with you!"

"I'm just throwing ideas out there Lissa. It would definitely satisfy your sexual demons."

I gave her a slight glare. Seriously what was her issue, it's even worse that I was actually considering it in the back of my head. "I can't anyway, I'm still Jackson's Submissive. That would be very disrespectful to him and myself. I can't."

"Sweetie, it's obvious he has something to hide. How many people have told you to look into him and his past? Do it. You don't want to wait too long and find out he has some sort of disease or a serial killer or something. Actually... You can do it right now."

"How? I wouldn't even know what website to use."

"I planned ahead." She handed me a laptop with his name already typed in the search bar. Was she planning for this or something.

"Did you already look into him?"

"No, I was actually waiting for you to come home so we can find out together. I over heard Oliver and Erik talking about Jackson and... It took me a few minutes but I found the appropriate website for it. It's now or never Melissa."

I knew she was right, hesitantly I typed in his full name waiting for the results to appear on the screen, my heart was pumping rapidly as it slowly loaded. Suddenly a few articles popped up, mostly about his police work and a few charity balls he was honored at, yes it was interesting and good see that he was a well respected officer of the city. But I was looking for something that would shock me, make me feel different -good or bad. More and more I scrolled, but nothing but positive things popped. "This is pointless, nothing interesting is coming up."

Jade looked at me with a weird expression, like a mixture of frustration and maybe tiredness. "Are you ok Jade? You don't look so good."

"Yea I'm fine, it's just I don't want to see you hurt and at least something should've come up by now. Not to mention my boss is creeping me out. I'm thinking about getting back into the game, but Erik would be so disappointed in me. He worked really hard to get me this job and to just throw away all his hard work just because it's getting hard makes me feel horrible, but I don't think I can do it."

Honestly, I wasn't expecting her to say that. "We can do the search later, let's go out for some drinks to clear our minds."

"No. We can get drinks later once we figure out what's up with him. Your situation is top priority right now so keep looking." Following Jade's advice I continued to search threw the site, it seemed like a waste though. Nothing was coming up but his achievements.

"It's literally nothing in here that's shocking or interesting." I was pissed, I've spent the past hour and a half looking for something, anything, to give me clues on what Angel was talking about.

"Maybe we're looking up the wrong person in the family. His dad name is similar to his isn't it?"

"I think so, by why the hell would we look him up?"

The Cop and The Submissive Book 1 of 2 {Light BDSM} {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now