Codeine Crazy

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I was beyond pissed, I haven't spoken to Angel in years, and now my brother and him had some sort of meeting and knowing how Angel likes to do business it didn't end well. But fuck my brother for even throwing that in my face, he doesn't have a right to speak on what I've done to get where I am now. I wasn't doing shit but keeping myself out of trouble, but I never expected the asshole to tell my brother about what happened. It wasn't even anything major, he shouldn't be mad about something he could've prevented if he had been thinking of me and not just himself. How hard was it for him to bring me along or at least tell one of his friends to watch me while he was away, yes, he is making an effort to be apart of my life but, he didn't call, he didn't visit, didn't even send me a fucking letter.

I was going to drive to his office but I had better things to do with my time, and he would be expecting me to be coming within a few hours to a days, and I won't give him the satisfaction of being right. I got a call from Jackson so I put him on speaker.


"Where are you?"

"Driving back now, why?"

"Come to my place, are you up for another session or do you have other things to be doing?"

"I have some free time, I should be there 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the traffic"

"An outfit will be on the table, wear nothing but that or you'll be punished, do you understand me Melissa"

"I understand sir" It still felt sorta weird to call someone sir again, I tried my best to avoid traffic as I made me way to his house. With my luck it started to rain hard which meant it would be a while before I get there. It took 46 minutes to get there, to my surprise candles were lit, everything seemed like it was planned some how, the gloominess of the rain and the soft glow from the candles set the mood. He had a dress laid out on the table and a pair of heels, beside it was a not that read

Put on the dress and heels Ms. Hathaway, I left some stuff in the bathroom so you can do your hair and make up, once your finished please meet me in my room. This won't be the usual session your used to, so please don't be narrow minded and ask various of questions as soon as you see me. All your questions will be answered in due time, so until then don't worry your pretty head about anything.

sincerely, Mr. Brooks

I rolled my eyes before I grabbed the dress and heels and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quickly shower before I put on the dress since I didn't want it to smell like rain. The price tag was still on the dress, honestly I didn't think someone like him would spend $150 on a dress and the shoes were just as much. I shook my head in disbelief, gosh this idiot spent basically $300 dollars on me, I honestly couldn't believe it. I took off the tags and started blow dry my hair before I curled it, I decided to only wear mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss today. It would take too much time to apply make up and honestly I didn't want to make it a habit to clog my pores up with all that make up. As I applied my eyeliner I realized that I had some freckles on my face, I was ashamed that I was shocked by it, but I remembered my mother had freckles across her nose and cheeks just like me, it was a haunting feel as I looked into the mirror, I sighed as I kept my composure, this wasn't the time to freak out. When I felt like I looked perfect I walked towards his room, his door was closed, again I wasn't surprised but it gave me some anxiety for whatever reason. I opened the door expecting to see him sitting on his bed with some gear in his hands but instead he was standing looking out the window staring as the rain slowly made it's way down. Honestly I didn't feel like bothering him, he seemed at peace which was something I've only seen once before when he first showed me his kind side. I walked towards him making sure my heels clicked with every step, he still hadn't turned around until I touched his shoulder "Jackson" His gaze was soon fixed on me as he turned around, the look in his eyes went from spaced out to awed in a matter of second. For a moment I think I made him speechless which made me nervous again, honestly I never realized how many insecurities I had, it bothered me but I didn't show it.

The Cop and The Submissive Book 1 of 2 {Light BDSM} {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now