Chapter 15

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Face it Catrina, you want more. You want to be BAD!


You already have. Shameful creature. You had a child at nine years old. Whore. I know what youre afraid of.....



I awoke with a start, my voice screaming still echoed in my head. It faded away and I felt stiff. Oh yeah I forgot about this cast shit. I heard breathing and looked to my left only to see Harvey sitting there. He looked worn out. I could easily see dark circles.

My eyes narrowed, aw hell nah he better be freaking sleeping! If he aint Im gonna knock him out myself, see how HE likes it.

I huffed silently, how long was I out? Theres no more casts on me. What the hell happened? I felt the button necklace on my neck again. Okay just in case, Ill press Batman if somethings wrong. I have a bad feeling.

The memories flashed in my head and I sighed. I leaned up and groaned, a slight ache in my back was present. I saw I wasnt in a cast anymore, but in tight bandages.

Did he really put me in a medicine induced coma? Like really Harvey? I was forced to fight my demons. I gently pulled the IVs out and winced. My legs felt like jelly and shook horribly when I stood up.

Why was this so exhausting?!

I silently pattered to the door and gasped seeing the outside again. It was beautiful for a swampy area. My boys even had a concrete sidewalk put in. Well this makes it easier for me. My legs stopped shaking as hard and got used to my weight again.

I frowned seeing alot of cars piled outside. Did we get new cars while I was out?

I walked weakly to the main building and stopped outside the door. It was quiet and that worried me. I grunted sliding open the heavy door and took in my surroundings.

My boys were freaking lined up. Why were they lined up on their knees with bags on their heads.

A man was talking to them and I crouched down. He looked like the guy in charge of the men without bags on their heads.

"Listen boys! Just tell us where your boss is! Mister J wants the girl as a present for his princess. Harley will be so disappointed. Why work for a sniveling brat? Come work for the strongest man in Gotham!" I stayed slient but was proud to see none of my men waver.

I pressed the button and silent static echoed. "Help..." I whispered and shut it off. It should give away my location. Theres just too many men.

I crawled in behind some furniture. I grabbed the emergency gun that was taped behind it and crawled behind stacks of furniture. Theres alot of couches in here, so theyre pressed together quite often, perfect crawling space.

During that week with Batman, he taught me how to sneak around. Harvey completely had a fit about it but Im glad now. The wrappings loosened and it was easier to crawl.

I was now near my men. I was behind a couch near them and saw what they had. They had freaking bombs strapped to their backs. I saw in the leader guy's hand, who STILL hasnt quit talking, is the detonation button.

Well, its been a good 30 minutes of crawling around, Batman should be here any minute. I peeked my eye out, then the gun, took aim very carefully and shot.

The leader dropped dead and I opened fire on the men. I took at least 5 down but there was give or say 7 left. They shot at the couch I was at and I grunted. A bullet hit my fucking rib! God.

The humming of a car was there for a moment and a black shadow leapt down from the roof. I sighed in relief seeing the familiar pointy head piece but paled spotting the red boy wonder beside him.

They immediately began to fight and soon the other 7 were lying on the floor. I crawled out of my hiding spot completely drained. Basically on all fours until I saggingly stood up. This was too much.

Robin gasped seeing my appearance and I know what I look like. They couldnt see my side but I was tired and basically a ghost. I could tell they saw the wrappings.

"Get the bombs off them." I said simply, hoarse and quiet. Batman didnt move but Robin just stepped torward me. I stepped back.

"Get the bombs off of them." I spoke again quietly and gave them a look.

They shuffled over to my men and defused the bombs one by one. I slid onto the floor slowly and panted, laying on my side and watching them. This wont kill me.

My men didnt move when the bomb was taken off, they just took off the bags on their head and stared at the floor. I crawled over to them, a few feet on front of them all.

"Cheer the fuck up!" I spoke loudly and clearly. Their heads whipped up and Batman saw the wound on me. It left a blood trail.

They all gasped seeing my bleeding side and I just smiled, "Im your boss for a reason."

Batman and Robin were at my side and my eyesight dulled slightly. Everything blurred but I wouldnt pass out. Not again.

I felt the sting as they tried to stop the bleeding. "Im fine..." I groaned out. I wouldnt be weak. Not in front of my men.

I lost the strength in my neck and my head lolled back slightly. Batman picked me up and raced to what I could guess was the medical building again. Great. Harvey.

I saw the room I came out of and Harvey was still passed out. I glared at the bed hoping itd disappear. Harvey jumped up awake hearing a clang. Robin stubbed his toe on the doorframe. He jumped around whimpering and I snickered.

He glared at me and I just smirked despite being hooked up again. I saw the familiar clear liquid go in my IV and I began to struggle. No no! "Dont you dare HARVEY!"

I sweat as I watched it go into my arm and my eyes felt heavy again. I whimpered and a tear ran down my cheek.

"Welcome back bitch."

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