Chapter 1

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"Oh my god do you see her?"

"Oh yeah, thats the freak."

"Dont talk to her..."

I kept my head low as I heard their whispers around me. I knew what they were talking about. I was a kid genius. I was in my last year of highschool at 14. I already defeated my college classes so Im the youngest here.

Ill oficially be out in the world when this year ends. Which is soon. I grabbed the ends of my sleeves and squeezed, a nervous habit of mine.

Being bullied constantly has its bad qualities. Like grabbing the end of my sleeves. Being 14 in a 19 to 20 year old grade makes you stand out.

When I didnt talk to anyone they labelled me as a freak. Especially when they found out I accomplished college before them. It hurt me.

Everyone began to leave the school, I heard my final class bell and sighed knowing what time it was.

"Well hello there, freak." I turned around and saw one of my bullies. His name was Dick or something. His name matches his personality, hehe.

"Sup." I spoke evenly. That seemed to piss him off. He grabbed me hoodie and balled it up, lifting me off the floor.

"Wheres your little puppies at? Sucking dick like you?" I choked out and his nostils flared. I felt pain on my eye and it was obvious he punched me. He threw me down and kicked at me. I swore I heard cracks

This guy was a prep. He was liked by everybody in Gotham High. Except me. Everyone thinks hes a hero, because he saves people from bullies, ironic isnt it?

I sat up despite the pain and spat out blood, then sneered but my head spun "everyone looks at youre a hero...when in reality youre a villain. And a hypocrite. You save them, but hurt me. Why me?" a tear ran down my face followed by more " think I wanted to be a genius? I wanted to be...normal. But instead you hurt all I want to"

At my last hoarse word blood spewed from my mouth and he looked horrified. The self inflicted cuts on my wrist opened up and blood poured, but I didnt feel it. My head lolled back and I smiled, Im so happy death has come for me. I didnt feel the arms around me. I watched my vision blur and eventually turn black with the numbness.



I whimpered. The pain was back like never before. I heard distorted voices then silence, and I opened my eyes. I looked around with what little strength I could and saw a silouette on the window sill about to leave and I knew I was in my room.

I saw for a secound, gauze wrapped around my wrists. "Wait," I called weakly and the figure froze, "...thank you." my voice was hoarse and I couldnt see their face but I knew they nodded.

This person patched me up and stuff. Saying thanks was the least I could do. I saw something glint against my wall and I saw my grad diploma from college. Guilt and sadness flooded me.

Why me? What did Dick do? Did he leave me or did he bring me here? Doubt it. I sighed and turned over, all this thinking was giving me a headache.

Time to go to hell again tomorrow.


"Wake up!"

I jumped and glared at my evil mother. She glared right back.

My smarts is the only thing she wants. The government gives us money for my future in my moms back account, but she spends it all on weed and shit. They dont know that though. Im basically paying bills, until I graduate. Hehe, she cant get me after that cause Ill be my own person after.

She mentally abuses me, not physically because there would be evidence and she wouldnt be able to use me anymore.

My family is fucked up. But today she was oddly silent. She didnt curse my existence today. I just grabbed my stuff ignoring the crunch and growling in my stomach and went to school. I didnt deserve food.

I walked through the bad part of town. Mom got a stupid tiny apartment because shes cheap as fuck and uses money to biy more drugs.

"The more the merrier apparently..." I muttered. I tried to lessen the pain in my ankle and I limped. I made it out of the bad part of town finally and began my walk. I didnt think it was that obvious, my limp, though until,

"Do you need help?"

I jumped like 2 feet and looked to see a boy. I stared at him and he fidgeted. I was just sizing up, seeing if he was a threat.

I could see he has some build, probably a 6 pack under the shirt. He had raven hair and looked okay and looked like he was my age. But I shook my head, "no Im alright. I appreciate it though."

He looked confused but asked "where are you going?"

"School." I said simply and began to limp that way. He scurried up to me and looked at me almost curiously.

His staring was annoying me, "do I got somethin on my hoodie? Whyre you following me anyways?"

He flushed slightly and I wouldve thought it was cute if he wasnt a stranger. He has pretty blue eyes also, like mine but alot brighter. He sighed, "we are going to the same place. And no Im just curious as to what happened to you?"

I steeled my gaze and spoke coldly, "well you wont wanna walk by me. Im a freak, the wrong crowd, I dont want a nice guy like you to be outcasted. So go away, now. And its none of your business what happened to me, because Im fine." and began to limp faster.

" youre not a freak." he spoke solidly and I froze. Slowly I turned to him, and my voice was cold and dark.

"Dont talk like you know me." and I ran away before he could reply.

This boy wouldnt understand, no one would.

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