Chapter 10

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The sound of crying echoed in my mind. I couldnt feel anything, all I saw was darkness before a light flashed.

"Why? Why me?" a voice whispered. My voice whispered.

I looked to see a girl with blonde curly hair curled up in a corner. I couldnt see her face, but I knew she was crying. She rocked back and forth.

I jumped as the light disappeared. Another took its place, and the sound of a baby crying was heard. I saw myself in my bathroom, holding a little bundle in my towel. I smiled at this memory.

I saw a little face in the wrapped towels and I cried a little. I heard my voice, sweet and soft whisper "welcome to the world...Casper...Ill protect you forever. My light in the dark..."

I saw my life flashing before my eyes. Sometimes sad but the best thing was my little baby. I saw us laughing and playing. I saw the park scene.

And then I saw him.

His blue eyes and raven hair. He is truly gorgeous. Another soul to protect.

I saw Harleen. My sister. I watched her walk away into the taxi, my 5 year old self was naive.  She thought Harleen would be coming back.

My mother was in the living room of our old house, old dirty place, smoking weed. I dont think I ever saw remorse in my mom's eyes. When mother looked at me, all I saw was greed and disappointment.

I saw a mirror in front of me then. In the dark, this mirror was wide, showing myself in its reflection. I saw it has a major crack. Straight down the middle. It was chipped at some edges.

I looked a little longer and realized something.

I was broken. Cracked. This was my mind. I looked back at the mirror and saw Casper there. And that Robin boy. Batman. Harleen. I saw myself. It showed me the few good people in my life.

Was this death? Deep dark nothingness? No. I dont think so.

This mirror showed me what I must do. What I will have to do.

I understand now.

I heard the word clear and light blinded me.


I screamed from the tops of my lungs, and heard shattering around me. My body was on fire and I couldnt help the shriek that left me.

I didnt feel the tears run down my face nor hear the worried yelling around me. All I could feel was pain, and all I could do was scream. Scream in agony, scream away all the pain. Scream away all the heart break and betrayal. Scream away all the sadness.


All the pain and suffering, all the hurt drained from me as I screamed and shrieked. All the pain and anger rose up, up into my head. Into my brain, in my screams I felt it fester there.

I didnt move, I could only scream in agony. My body shook in pain as my screams died down to only wails. I couldnt stop the shaking, or the wailing. It hurt so bad, all of me.

The visions of abuse, of anger and misery, of constant pain flooded my brain and I sobbed.

I barely registered the hands picking me up, I only registered the comfort of being squeezed firmly in a hug. A hold.

The pain went away in the comfort of the embrace and I still wailed. I cried away the pain and anguish in their arms. My pain was heard, I was sure.

I wailed and cried in their arms as they rocked me back and forth. I felt the desperately needed comfort, and my pain faded.

I shook and cried in their arms, they still held me and rocked me. The mental agony I was in was horrible. I wheezed and whimpered in their arms and they didnt let me go once.

All the comfort I had never had was here. It was finally here. My head was spinning, my mirror was breaking more, but I knew that in that corner, there was a piece put back together.

The Dark's Light (Gotham Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin