Chapter 2

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I couldnt help the oncoming heart attack as I basically ran to the daycare. I cant believe this!

I forgot my own freaking kid at the daycare! Its not like I had a choice, I was beaten and then passed out. Like, how was I supposed to get there?

I entered and ignored the squealing children, looking for a head of golden curly hair.

In a split second something latched onto my legs and squealed "mommy!" Relief flooded me seeing his beautiful smile looking up at me.

Immediately I swooped down and scooped him into my arms. I began to swarm his face in kisses.

"Ahhhhahaha mommyyyyy, Im a big boyyyyy, kisses are for babiessssss." he squealed and I pulled back, stared him straight in the eyes, and planted a big wet smooch right on his cheek.

I laughed as he whined, and walked out of the daycare. Today was an awfully cloudy day, I hope it doesn't rain.

"Mommy, park please." he whined in my arms and I thought about it.

"No." I didnt want it to rain on us, my little baby could get sick. He didnt seem pleased by this however and kept going on begging me.

I was surprised at this, cause he was usually well behaved. Yes he had meltdowns but he was okay afterwards, this was outside of character.

I looked into his sweet hazel eyes and saw an emotion I knew all too well flash for a moment. Sadness.

I sat him down on a bench, there was no traffic nor people around so it was okay.

"baby, whats wrong? Tell me sweetheart." I softly spoke and he looked at me with big eyes. Innocent eyes.

"I-I, you didnt get me at the ace mommy. I toght you left me, I love you mommy, dont leave me." and tears glistened in his eyes, and my heart broke.

"No way would I ever leave you sweetheart, mommy loves you so much and would never leave you. Im sorry I didnt get you baby, dont ever think I left you." and I held his little body tight to me.

"Is okay mommy." he whispered and I kissed his cheek.

I picked him up and began to walk, telling jokes to make him laugh.

I turned a corner and secretly began to lead him to a park.

It was so worth it, I hate seeing my baby sad. It breaks my heart. But seeing his eyes light up when we got there was so worth it. I know Im far too young to have had a child, but its something I didnt have a choice over. My history is too dark to discuss right now.

"Mommy, look!" he called to me and jumped off the playground set. He zoomed over to a bush and I saw a little speck of purple. I crouched beside him and saw a sweet little wildflower.

He reached for it and I gently slapped his hand, not enough to hurt. "No, baby, dont pick it."

"Why?" he asked me innocently, and I couldnt help but smile.

"Well, the flower is living too. If you pick it, youll be hurting it. Dont hurt the pretty flower, baby."

He stared confused a little and asked, "they hurt like us?"

"Yes baby, they hurt like us. They grow up too, into something that could be beautiful." I gestured to it and held him slightly " ...See? Its just a little bud right now, but soon itll grow to be nice and pretty."

"Mommy, why do you like it so much?"

I smiled more gently and spoke sweetly, "well, this is a wildflower I think. Or one of them. And I like it because not alot of people notice it, they look at more bigger things that are more flashy, not noticing this little beauty. Most dont notice the smaller, more beautiful things in life."

I could see the little wheels turning in his head, and I knew he is a very bright boy. My bright boy.

"I dont get it, but okay mommy. If you like it, I wont hurt it. I dont wanna hurt them." his eyes watered at the end and I picked him up and cooed at him softly.

Finally he calmed down and I decided we needed to go home, it was midday when we got here, now the sun sets.

As soon as I walked away a voice whispered in the wind, "you understand...." and I froze.

"Had to have been me imagining stuff. I need a damn nap, and food. Foooooood." and walked home peacefully, unaware of the watchful gaze on me.


"Where the fuck did you go?!" my mother screamed at me.

"None ya damn business." I spoke calmly, but my accent slipped through. That happens when Im angry, and Ill be damned, because right now Im fucking fiery inside.

"Youre my fucking daughter, I have a right to know!" she screamed at me and I breathed heavily.

"Youre never my mother! Youre my ABUSER! YOU HURT ME! USE ME, EVERYDAY! MY SISTER IS MISSING BECAUSE OF YOU! SHE RAN OFF TO SHOW YOU WHAT SHE COULD BE! NOW WE DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS AND YOU DONT EVEN CARE!" I let out my every frustration in that moment. I poured it onto her.

In that moment I know I left her speechless and I took that opportunity to run to my room, slamming my door.

Immediately I began to pack, both mine and my baby's stuff. He woke up fron his nap when I had slammed my door.

"Mommy, wha-"

"We are going away from Nana for a while, okay sweetheart?" I spoke rushed but sweetly to him.

I grabbed all of my important belongings and put them in my duffle bag. I put a picture of my sis and I, and didnt give it a sparing glance. I slung the duffle on my shoulder.

Soon it was stuffed and I grabbed a backpack and stuffed it full of my baby's things. Soon that was filled also and I put it over my other shoulder.

I looked at my sleepy boy and thought to the bags on my back, and the most brilliant idea popped up.

I grabbed a loose strap from both of them and tied them together firmly. It was perfect, and I swooped him up and put him on my back, and he settled perfectly on the makeshift seat.

"Okay baby, I need you to hold on tight to me, and dont let go yet." and I climbed onto the window sill, immediately leaping off, careful to miss the flower garden.

I ran off into the night not once sparing a glance back at the grimey old apartment home. All that could be seen was an oddly shaped dark figure disappear onto the rooftops.

The Dark's Light (Gotham Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz