Chapter 12

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I walked away from Harvey's house with Harvey beside me. I saw Batman and Robin jump onto the rooftops away and smiled. I know Ill keep them safe.

Ive been smiling alot more. Sometimes without reason, nothing seems funny but its there.  This week has been stressful but good nonetheless.

"Harvey," I said very calmly and he looked at me as we walked "you dont have to do this. You still have a chance to gain your life back. Yknow, if you come with me your life of good is gone." he was quiet.

"I know...Cat. My life was as good as gone when I murdered them. And youre my only friend now, I wont leave you. No matter how gruesome this becomes." and I was stunned at his words. I didn't expect that actually, Ive been betrayed by so many people I thought he was joking. Just gonna say "nevermind, bye." and leave.

Ill admit, that put some pride in me. Knowing I have such a dedicated friend.

The image of a person popped up in my mind and I gasped. I dropped all my bags and froze. Hoooooly shit, how could I forget him? Hes gonna fuckin kill meeeeee.

"Cat?" Harvey asked worriedly. I just looked at him seriously.

"Harvey, I need to make a serious phone call later, so remind me once we get settled in."

He nodded. "Hey Harvey, also, please call up the boys. I need their help with this place." he nodded again and I smiled gratefully.

We had bought a large warehouse around the outskirts of Gotham. Still in city lines but on the edge of them. It was rather cheap, and I was surprised but proud of Harvey. He and I both saw the potential of the place.

My legs barely burned under all the walking, the only reason theyre burning is because of all the damn boxes! Harvey and I have at least 5 boxes each full of stuff. Not to mention having to buy furniture for the place and all the men going to live there.

Damn thats gonna be expensive.

It should be okay though, Ill have plenty of money. Thank you government for funding me despite my future plans. Though youve been notified, you still did it.

But I unfortunately owe the government a favor. Only one. So they better make it count.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didnt feel the stare of Harvey nor the crunching of gravel under my feet. I jumped when he walked infront of me and I slammed into his back. That, I noticed. The familiar swampy area but dried grass around

I looked infront of me and saw it. The largest place Ive ever seen. The grass was oddly dry around it. Harvey pulled out his cell and began to walk after putting down the boxes. I ran inside and looked around. First thing you see is a large open space with concrete flooring, dirty and old. I saw metal stairs run up into a metal hall thing on top.

I walked up the stairs to see if they were stable, and surprisingly they didnt make a sound. No creaks, thats good. I saw a metal boxed in room at the end of the walkway and opened it.

It was an empty ish room, definitely reinforced to not fall, I could tell. There was a floor and I thought this would be a nice office for me.

I walked back downstairs, walking into a hallway and saw multiple doors. I looked in them each seeing enough room for 2 men each, not even counting the extra places this warehouse came with.

This place came with alot of extra buildings nearby. Those could be used as bunks too.

This place will be made up nicely I could already tell. I walked back into the main room just to see a door open. "Boss?"

Ah my men are here. I walked up to him and walked out. He followed beside me. "Go gather with the rest, thank you."

Soon most of my boys were here staring at the warehouse wide eyed. "Yo, well first off anyone who is having second choices about joining will die. Because once you leave this youre good as dead by the Jokers hand." they looked horrified, but its life. Theyll die.

"Secondly, I demand respect. You will show me respect because of what I am going to be doing for this group. Respect each other too. If you dont show me respect then you will be punished." they all nodded at me quietly.

"Yknow what, lets just discuss rules later. For now we are gonna clean and build on the warehouse. Raise your hand if youre good at repairing" and I saw at least 5 hands raise.

"Youll be fixing the roof. We definitely need that fixed considering rainstorms here." yeah, we are in a pretty wet part of the outskirts Ill admit. They nodded and I thanked them. They smiled at me, and I feel like they liked being appreciated.

"Raise your hand if youre good with electrical things like heating and conditioning, plus lighting." Surprisingly at least 10 hands raised and I smiled widely. Im gonna buy all these guys something nice. "..Alright you guys will be working on trying to get the power going, we will probably need solar panels. Thank ya." damn you accent.

"Alright who does landscaping...?"


I couldnt stop the pride at seeing all my men at work. Of course I was helping them. I went around helping with small tasks and filled them in on what to do next.

I had at least 7 guys fixing the roof, which Ill admit is pretty big. I have almost 12 guys working on the landscaping, so our place wont be harmed if it floods outside.

I have almost 16 guys working on electrical things inside. Out of those 16, 4 were making the solar panel and testing it. Harvey was in that squadron, considering hes a genius.

The rest of my men were cleaning, which was a pretty large number of them. Almost 100. I saw at least 5 full bags of trash so far and this was just from the main room. Good job guys.

I have a system where one person does one thing and then another does the next step. Like digging the pathway and then having another make the irrigation possible.

I considered calling Batman and asking for help but thought against it, he wasnt going to be an acquaintance in the future. Plus my men would freak out seeing him. I still have that phone call to make.

Well, today might just actually work out.

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