Chapter 6

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I growled in pain as Harvey cleaned my forehead. They fuckin did a number on me.

Beat me with police batons and literally tried to kick the insanity out of me. They shocked me so many times with those shocky things.

Too bad so sad, Im not normal, you cant fry the smarts out of me bitches. Harvey almost threw a fit seeing me beaten almost to death.

Ive been stuck in this medicine ward for about another week, but strapped to the table. Of course Harvey took over taking care of me, nice guy.

"Shes been looking for you." he spoke suddenly and I jumped. Of course she would be, not surprising.

"Anything else?" I asked a little curiously.

He hesitated and I narrowed my eyes. "Shes taken a liking to the Joker. Its a little strange. In a week, theyve gotten closer. He is her patient." he spoke shyly.

I processed this. So that dumb clown is most likely manipulating my sister? Oh hell naw.

It seems weird for me, saying the word "sister" after her disappearing for like 9 years. Its almost foreign.

"So hes almost manipulating her? Hm. Harvey, be my ears for the next few weeks?" I asked him. Somethings odd. And if she is the same as before, then she will do something stupid.

He nodded at me to both my question and as an answer.


"Catrina. Wake up." an old voice called. I growled at being woken up but opened my eyes anyways.

I glanced to the side and saw an old man. Familiar guy.

"Youre the man on the television." I spoke bluntly and he almost looked surprised.

"Whats with the face?" I asked shortly. I was frankly not in the mood for this guy, he woke me up from my sleep.

He made a hand motion and I saw two guys come up and undo the table straps. He began to walk to the door and I followed.

"Leave." he told the guards, and they scurried off. I analyzed this, he is a man with power.

We walked by the punishment room and one had a window. I looked in momentarily and shook horribly. I saw a mans brain being cut open. The worst part? He was awake.

I could tell a look of horror was on my face, because the old man pushed me along and I couldnt help but stumble.

I growled, why was this guy fuckin stalling? "Get to the point!" I yelled and he didnt look startled this time, just calculating.

Shit Im not gonna give anything away to this guy. I steeled my face of emotions and he spoke calmly "I know you have massive smarts, Catrina. Hidden but there."

Once again I grimaced at that stupid name. He didnt notice and carried on "...and that brain could be useful. Very useful." and I raised an eyebrow.

What was he getting at?

"...and that brain plus the smarts understands both sides, insanity and sanity, could be helpful." he mused and I almost gasped.

No fucking way.

"I want you to work here." he was blunt.

"No." two can play at that game.

He looked shocked but masked it "why not? Your slate will be wiped clean! Imagine how good your record will look!" he tried to persuade.

I got pissed off because "First off, "clean slate"? My slate will NEVER be clean. I have been tortured and beaten to the point of no return. Lets face it, my records would catch dust forever. Im not working here. Suck it...Mister Arkham."

His look became dark. "So you know me?" he growled.

I was amused, if he thinks intimidation will work then good luck. "Obviously."

"How?" he interrogated.

I smirked and only spoke , "obviously. This place is catching dust like your forehead wrinkles old man."

He growled and next thing I knew I had stinging in my cheek. He fucking backhanded me!

Fucking bitch. I kicked out and managed to hit his knee. I heard a stomach churning pop and he crumpled to the floor.

Well Im in deep shit now, huh?


"Catrina, you will gather your stuff and come with me. Youre being moved to solitary." a gaurd spoke firmly.

I looked around and gathered my stuff. What little there was anyways. I had given my duffle bag and backpack to batman that night.

A plan formed in my head. I looked to see my wrists werent chained.

Big mistake.

As we walked by cell H I looked over and saw him giving me a calculating stare. He walked to the glass.

I stopped and when the guared turned around I headbutted him.

He fell straight to the floor and didnt move. I felt no pain. No regret. Just anger.

I spun and fury rose in me. I stormed to the Jokers cell. I smashed my fist right on the glass where his face was.


The glass cracked. He looked at the crack and back at me in hidden surprise.

He didnt flinch but I saw that glare.

I growled and so did he. Ah so he can hear me. Good.

"You listen to me Joker! Dont you dare manipulate her. If you do Ill make you fuckin REGRET IT. REMEMBER THAT!" I growled almost animalistically at him and I saw his eyebrows raise. I could see his grill and he bared his teeth at me a little. I bared my teeth back and growled.

I was suddenly jerked back by a hard hand and I saw the guard called backup. Before I was yanked out of the large room I sent the Joker one last menacing look.

He better get the message, because if he doesnt, Ill bring absolute hell to pay.

Dont mess with the devil baby.

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