Chapter 7

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Ill have to admit, being even more isolated than before is unsettling. Its very cramped and stuff. Ive been here for another week, and the only time I can be out is when I have "therapy" sessions with Harvey.

Its been like what? 3 weeks? almost a month. Well its been almost a month since my mother framed me. I worry about my son, but I know hes okay.

The door being forced open breaks my thoughts. "Miss Cat you have a visitor."

I looked at my guard curiously. "Who?"

He looked down and spoke nervously "Batman."

Huh, so he finally came.

Thats what she said.

Shut the fuck up brain let me monologue!

I got up and began to walk, and soon found myself in the same room as the sessions I have with Harvey.

He sat there stoically and my guard shuffled out nervously.

I gave him a gentle smile and sat down, my chest has a warm happy feeling at seeing him.

"Hello, Im glad you came to see me." I smiled a little wider, honestly I was happy. I looked in his eyes and saw a little amusement in them.

"So what brings you here?" I asked casually.

"We need to talk about your son Casper." he said almost stoically. I frowned, what did he do?

"Casper is normally well behaved for a 4 year old, so whats wrong?" I asked concerned.

He stared before asking "Why did you give him to us? Why cant he go home?" and I sighed. Figures he would ask.

I looked him in the eyes and he nodded for 'go on' and began "I gave Casper to you because here would be safe with you. Please, train him to be like Robin. I cant take him back home because mother is abusive. She used me for money and mentally abused me. He will no doubt get the same treatment.
I never filled out any citizenship papers on him, so he doesnt exist to society." I left out a few details, I didnt wanna bring it up.

He of course picked up on the missing details but I think he knew I didnt like to talk about it.

"Batman..." I spoke after a minute and he looked at me "...I think its best that Casper doesnt remember me. Raise him without me. Ill never be the same walking out of here. Ive been beaten, shocked, hurt, and punished. The pain, it left wounds up here." I pointed to my brain.

He looked shocked and I filled him in almost mumbling "I made my doctor angry, he prescribed electro shock therapy and they turned the volts up past normal tolerance. They fried me. I then had a fit and bit skin off a guard, they beat me with police batons. The founder of this place backhanded me, so I kicked out his knee and was put into solitary where they starved me. Theyve hurt me alot more than just that." I spoke sadly.

"The wounds will forever be there." I finished and he was completely silent. I knew he was taking in my appearance after the explanation, and I knew how I looked. Sunken in cheeks, and since my eyes hurt, dark circles Id guess. Probably bruises too.

I dont know what my eyes reflected but I saw pain flash in his gaze before he tried to steel himself.

"I will do it." he spoke finally and relief filled me. I knew what he meant and I never knew 4 words could bring so much comfort to me like these.

I smiled brightly at him. I wasnt wearing the straight jacket this time and got up.

I walked to the other side of the table and he looked comfortably at me. I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him and he sagged a little.

"Thank you!" I spoke excitedly.

He nodded and we sat there and chatted- well I chatted, he nodded or spoke when needed to. But I felt like he needed a good talk and nice company.

The ass kicking is bound to stress him out one way or another. However I could see him loosen up as the hours passed.

He got up to leave and I followed him to the door "visit me often, and bring little Robin too. Miss that guy." I whispered and I saw him nod before I was pulled away by guards.

A big smile was on my face even when I was thrown in my cell. I sighed happily and layed on my thin uncomfortable bed lost in thought. My smile got wider.

What could possibly get better?

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