Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes, and immediately noticed the warmth. I squinted to try and look around. I noticed someone wrapped around me and almost screamed seeing an arm.

I turned around rather slowly as not to walk this person up and froze seeing his face. It was Robin. Except it was the boy this time. He was gorgeous.

I wont lie, I felt it as soon as he spoke to me the first time. I didnt realize it until his first visit to me in that place.

He was breathing evenly signaling he was asleep. Silently sleeping. I brought my fingertips to his lips and lightly traced. Then his nose. Then his eye lids. Then I gently stroked his cheek.

This boy was gonna play an amazing part in life, I could already tell. But where are we?

I reluctantly brought my fingertips away from his lips and looked around. It was an old room, but clean. I could very faintly see a picture frame on the dresser by, what Im guessing, the bathroom door.

My breathing caught seeing a familiar head of hair in one photo. I could see it in the glint of moonlight.

Shit, this is Harvey's place. Is he okay? I know he is, hes Harvey. Hes one of my most brilliant friends. Of course I got all of my men to use their brains in that short two months at Arkham. They were taught math by Harvey.

Of course if they were being whiny about it they were taken to me. Needless to say they went out literally begging Harvey to learn.

I just want whats best for them. I really do. I have plans for them.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and tried my best to gently wiggle out of his grip.

I felt nothing in my head, it was clear. No thoughts. It felt like air was in there. But it wasnt a comfortable type of empty. It was unsettling really.

His grip loosened and I looked at his pale peaceful face. Well, this will be the only time, because I know, I know he will not love an insane girl.

I leaned in very slowly as to not wake him and gently pressed my lips againt his. Sparks flew on my lips and I eased away just as fast.

I found I was wearing different clothes and paled. Did they really change me? Oh god I cant imagine the scars they saw.

I slipped out of the bed and I heard him sigh. I looked back to see him holding the pillow I was sleeping on.

I laughed silently and pattered downstairs very quietly. I need to find Harvey. He wasnt in the kitchen nor living room, which I realized was very luxurious. There was a hallway with a door at the end and I thought of the chance.

4/10 definitely. Game on.

I crept back into the living room and looked for a moment. I didnt move but I saw the tiniest of movement in the shadows. Oho, good try.

Gotta play like I dont know hes there "Harvey?" I whispered and tip toed to the door.

I slowly opened the knob and saw a bed. But the more interesting part of the bed is that there was a big lump on it, a body shaped lump.

I crept to it and looked where the head would be. I know Im acting like a child but fuck it Im 14 damn it. I saw a familiar tuft of hair and smiled.

"Harvey." I spoke a little louder. Almost a mumble. He mumbled and shuffled but didnt wake up. I smiled happily, Im just happy hes okay.

I got up on the bed and sat. I crossed my legs and poked his side. "Harvey." I said lowly with a giggle. He froze and slowly looked up.

He saw me sitting on his bed and shock flew in his eyes but then happiness.

"Cat!" he cried happily and I shhed him so Robin could sleep. "Hey." I smiled.

He scooped me up in a hard hug and I was surprised at this. He usually only hugs when he needs comfort. I wont ask him about it though.

I hugged him back and couldnt stop giggling. Eventually my giggles and laughs died down and I pulled back. He sat crisscross in front of me.

"Lets go get em." I said excitedly. "You get Robin Ill get Batman." when I said Robin that moment of my kiss flashed in but I shook it away.

Harvey jumped up and ran down the hall. Foortsteps echoed as I ran into the living room. I crawled on the ground on my belly to the corner he was hiding in.

I could see him more the closer I got and he looked at me in surprise. I jumped on him and hugged him tight. I could feel his hands shaking as he returned the hug.

"You tryna be sneaky Bat Ill be sneaky with you." was all I said before I resumed crawling on the floor like a worm. He looked at me like I was absolutely mad.

Bitch Im completely crazy.

He watched me crawl and eventually just got out of his hiding place. I crawled infront of the door opening.

I heard two sets of footsteps on the stairs and layed flat down while Batman sat on the couch. I layed still, looked at Bat and hissed "sneaky...."

He rolled his eyes and Robin stumbled into the room and fell flat on his face as he tripped on my body. I snorted laughing as his body hit with a loud bang.

He groaned but stiffened at my laughter. He spun around and looked just in time to see Harvey trip over me and fall flat on Robin. They both groaned and I laughed again.

They glared at me and I got up and sat on the couch beside Batman. I know they arent really mad at me. If anything theyre happy. I know.

"Erm, hi." I said almost sheepishly.

"Hi." they snickered back.

"The entire gang is worried about you." Harvey said calmly. And I nodded.

"I know. Theyre good people somewhat. Once you beat the toughness out of them, that was instilled by the Joker."

Batman stiffened beside of me and I mentally rolled my eyes. What a drama queen. I stared at them and they stared back.

"Im glad you called us. Harvey...he found you. On the ground. You looked dead almost. You didnt wake up for days. And then your heart..." he cut himself off with a broken look.

"Your heart stopped. We had to restart it with an electric batarang. Batman looked ready to pass out." Harvey snickered at the end and Batman looked indifferent.

"Aw" I cooed at him "You care!" and Batman looked away.

"Yeah we do! You almost died Cat! You DID die Cat!" Harvey yelled at me and I just sighed.

"It doesnt really matter Harvey" I sighed. This was the part of the conversation I didnt like.

He looked so ready to fight with me but backed off seeing my look. "If you didnt already feel the burn wound on your chest where we had to use it." Harvey said casually.

I looked at my shoulder through the neckhole of my shirt and faintly saw bandages wrapped around me.

"Nope, didnt feel it." I chirped and looked up at them again. They just stared at me again.

They didnt understand, that when you have felt as much agony as I have, a simple shock wont even effect me. I got a massive pain tolerance.

Ill admit, right now I feel particularly crazy. I wont ask about Harleen. I already know whats happened. I dont know HOW I do, I just know.

I know shes gone, but not dead.

But little do they know that Im kind of dead inside right now too. Absolutely mad. But then again so are they.

In that time I spent in Arkham, the crazy made me feel a little sane.

The Dark's Light (Gotham Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя