Ch. 8: Decisions

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Amaimon smiled. "I see the dog whistle still works like it used to."

"Piss off," I said.

He tugged at my wrist playfully. "Awe, didnt you miss me Yagami-chan?"

"It was hard not to," I said sarcastically.

"Good," He said tapping under my chin with his claw. "Because I sure missed you, battling the demons in Gehenna was such a bore. They were incompetent and weak,even  you do a better job and you're only half demon!"

"That's understandable," I said in a patronizing tone and shrugged. "Its hard to find someone as skilled as I am."

Amaimon grinned. "Hopefully we can squeeze a battle in before I go back to Gehenna for a bit, I wonder if you've improved any since meeting Satan's offspring."

"Speaking of which why are you here? Visiting Mephisto?" I said sitting down at the edge of the roof top.

He nodded and sat down criss-crossed infront of me. "He sent me off without telling me when he was coming back after I asked."

"Awe, the little baby brother wants to know when his Onii-chan is coming home? Hate to break it to you Spike, but I dont think Mephisto is coming home any time soon."

Amaimon smiled and stood up. "Dont patronize me, Ares." He said resting his palm on my chest. "I could push you over right now and you'd fall to your death."

"Why dont you?"

"Great idea." He said shoving my backwards. But in mid-fall he caught me in the air by my waist, I hung on to him with my arms wrapped around his neck.

"My bad," He said. "I wouldn't want to mess up such a pretty face without doing it myself. Besides, I dont think a fall like that could kill you anyway."

"You're right."

Amaimon flew over to the roof top of the dorm and set me down. "But I didnt come here just to screw with you." He said. "I know how you can get memories of your mother."

I froze. "You're lying," I said hoarsely.

"I'm not." He said teasingly. "You have two options. Normally you'd only have one, but I'm taking into account your...uhm, 'Sixth Sense' "

I turned around with my arms crossed and listened.

"Alright, option one: taste the blood of a person who knew your mother."

"Out of the question."

He shrugged. "Okay, but just remember if you choose option one, you basically have to kill the person before you taste their blood or else it won't work."

"Noted," I said without concern. "What's option two?"

"Option two," He said. "You gotta find your daddy."

my eyebrow twitched at how he referred to Lucifer. "I'm aiming to find him anyway."

"But here's the thing," Amaimon said holding up a finger. "Lucifer has a mind. Its in his core, if you so happen to run into him one day..." Amaimon wandered around, he appeared to be looking for something. "And go deep enough into his flames..." He bent down and picked up a large rock the size of his palm. "You wrap your hands around that core," he said wrapping his fingers around the rock. "...And crush it between your fingers..." He squeezed the rock and crushed it into dust, sprinkling it on the ground from his hand.

"Done deal." I said.

"And because I'm acting out of the kindness of my heart and I admire you like my own sister, I'll tell you about the catch."

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