Ch. 12: A Cloaked Spy

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I went off to kitchen where Air sat at the table with her long legs crossed. Her smooth pale leg slightly peeped out from her long robe. She sat there humming a tune as she cut herself slice of cake from the tin that she set infront of her with a fork. Still humming, she ate a piece of the cake.

She spotted me and nodded. "Didnt know you could bake too," she said taking another bite. "Almost makes me twice as jealous."

"," I gulped, still staring at her legs. "Neither did I. I'm not as keen with baking so I did my best. Where's Nay-Lee?"

"Off to the laundry room," Air said pointing out the door with her fork.

She followed my gaze down to her legs and she wiped the frosting off her mouth with the back of her hand. "What's up?" She asked as she bent down to look curiously around at the floor. "Did I let some cake fall?"

"Uh... no..." I said. Air sat up and looked up at me. Then she stood up and walked slowly toward me until our faces weren't but an inch away from each other.

She tilted her head up to meet eye to eye with me and that's when I realized how much shorter she was than me. Which I admit is sort of a turn on because I've never seen any girls who were that much shorter than I was.

But Air just kept staring at me, with those white piercing eyes of hers

I turned the other cheek. "W-what are you doing?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Pervert." She muttered.


Air burst out laughing. "Just messing with you, Rin." She said. "Its like if you and Yukio walked around in speedos. Only as human as you can get."

"Ah does that mean I'm attractive enough to be drooled over?"

"Dont let it get to your head," Air said sitting back down. She went over to her slice of cake and lifted a piece on her fork to her mouth.

"So um..." I said. Wait! I remember now! The question. "What did you and Amaimon talk about?" I asked.

Before Air could take a bite her eyes clouded over. She set the fork down and put a hand to her temple. "Whuh...?" She said dazedly looking up at me.

"Um what's wrong?" I asked.

She suddenly stood up. "We're having dinner tomorrow..." she murmured. "I gotta get to bed man..." She stumbled towards the wall and rested her hand on it. She lazily looked over at the cake. Her eyebrow furrowed slightly and she suddenly got hiccups.

"Throw- hiccup- that cake away... -hiccup-" She said. Then she dragged herself up the stairs to her room.

What the hell was that? You'd think there was some hardcore alcohol in that.

I looked at the cake, confused. When did I bake that?




"Did she say?" Mephisto said to the cloaked being.

"No... I managed to slip a little something in the cake. That timing was ridiculous." The figure under the cloak paused. "...May I ask why we have to go to such measures just to keep her little secret?"

Mephisto shrugged. "You know how the boy is," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "All about this care and share. He'll do whatever it takes to stop her, hah! Just the thought! Honestly what a reckless lug."

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