Ch. 41: For That I Am Thankful

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**RAE's POV** (crazy right?)

"Have fun Haru-chan!!" Miki shouted to Haru, waving to him from the passenger side of the car. I waved as well.

"Enjoy yourself, Haru." I said.

Haru nodded and ran off to play with Rin, Kuro, and Manu in the sand while Air came to talk to me.

"I'm glad you and Rin worked things out." I said.

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah me too. What time do you want us to bring Haru back by?"

"Any time before midnight is alright, I won't be too strict on curfew." I replied.

Miki practically flew out of his seat when I said that. "Midnight?! Rae-nii are you crazy?? Letting our poor little Haru out until midnight?! Pops never even let us stay out that late till we were eighteen!"

"Mimi, you act like his father more than Pop does." I chuckled. "Let him have a little freedom, he's mature, leave him room to grow up a little."

Miki slouched in his seat and pouted. "Haru's never going to grow up! He's going to stay small and precious for forever!"

Air laughed. "I'll take of him don't worry."

I smiled. "I'm glad we met you Air. Ever since Vivian's death, Haru's been distant with us and hasn't really ever enjoyed himself before. Then you come along, and now its like he's back to the old Haru he used to be. He's happier, he smiles more. So thank you."

"No problem." She replied. "I'm he's finally opened up to me."

"Well, we should be heading off now. Who else did you say was coming?"

She thought for a moment. "Oz, Alex, Paku, Bo... and everyone from cramschool. Except Yukio and Takara."

"Cool. I'm sure he'll have fun. Thanks again! See ya!"

She waved goodbye. "See ya!"

I revved up the engine and started the car, leaving the beach parking lot.

Miki reached in the back seat and pulled out a picnic basket. "Rae-nii, can you drop me off at Sakura Park." He said, blushing.

"Eh?" I said. "What's that for?"

"I'm going on a date with Machiko-chan." He replied with the biggest grin on his face.

"Ah? I knew you had a thing for her, I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to believe you were into little girls."

"Hey! She's only seventeen!"

"She just turned seventeen though."

"So? It still doesn't matter. She makes me..." He blushed as he thought about it. "What's the word."

"Does she make your heart go 'DOKI DOKI' MIKI-CHAN??" I teased.

"Oh stop it Rae-nii!" He said as he smacked my arm. "And I don't want to hear anything from you considering your girlfriend is seventeen as well!"

"She's almost eighteen and she's very mature. And I'll have you know she is not my girlfriend."

Miki chuckled. "Whatever Rae-nii."


After dropping Miki off I went to Umbra Gale to attend the council meeting and to collect some files. It was absolutely exhausting to say the least. Conversing with old fashioned elderly men was definitely not the highlight of my day.

I went home to an empty house. Bernard was still tending to Umbra Gale business and Suzuki was out with her girlfriends. I plopped down on my bed and sifted through the notes from the meeting.

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