Ch. 6: "Air Improvement" ;)

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to flush that necklace down the toilet?" I said.

"I call your bluff, you won't do it."

"Fine." I said beginning to close the door.

"You won't do it!" She called.

"Kay," I said.

"Okay, okay, look! I'm showering okay! I'm stripping!" She said getting up and reaching down to slip off her shirt. I quickly shut the door before I could see any more.

"Okay, you better take a shower this time." I called through the door. I heard shuffling that indicated she was taking her clothes off. I heard her bare feet slap against the floor of the wet tile.

This time I waited outside of the shower room to make sure she wouldn't try anything.

After half an hour I was getting tired of waiting. I knocked on the door. "I hope you're showering." I said.

I knocked again. "Air! Are you kidding me? You better not do anything stupid!" she didnt answer.

"Air, I'm gonna open this door!" I said. No answer. "Fine! Dont be embarrassed when I see you naked!" I said. I got up and opened the door. Air sat under the shower head in bare skin, her arms wrapped around her knees which covered her chest.

My face turned slightly red, I was kind of glad she was sitting like that... yknow... so it covered up her, um... you-know-whats.

"W-what the fuck is wrong with you?" I tried to say sternly. "Why aren't you showering?"

She shrugged, not even caring that a guy had seen her naked. "I forgot." she said colorlessly.

"Really. You forgot." I said dully. I knew she was just trying to be difficult.


"I'm serious, Air. Take a shower."

"I forgot."

"Really? Are you 3? Are you incapable of washing yourself? Am I supposed to be your mom and wash you for you?"

"Yep." she said sarcastically.

"Nay-Lee's gonna kill me if you dont shower."

"That's not my problem. I forgot."

"I'm gonna come over there and wash you." I threatened.

"Do it!" She taunted. "I'm calling your bluff, Okumura."

"Oh I will!" I marched over there and pulled off my tshirt. "Stand up." I tested.

Air wavered.

I smiled. "You're the one who asked me to come over here."

"I know," she said stubbornly. Now shes playing along.

"Then stand up." I taunted.

"I will." Air murmured but she didnt move.

I smirked. "Now I'm calling your bluff, Yagami."

Air's eyebrow twitched. "Dont ever call my bluff." she said slowly standing up. I flinched and looked the other direction. I didnt expect her to actually do it! 

"Why are you looking the other way, Okumura? Never seen a naked lady before?"

My face turned red but I didnt dare look at her. "What the hell! No!" I said.

"Shall I call your bluff once more?"

"I'm not backing down before you." I said.

"Well that'll be a problem because I'm not backing down at all. I warned you not to call my bluff."

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