Prologue- The Big Apple

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 Cooper & Lawrence Removal Company

I peeked through my curtains of our condo apartment. The removal van was parked neatly on the curb outside, trying to keep off the roads of New York.  My room was completely empty; save the odd box, my bed and essentials.

We were moving once again this time Colorado. I was nervous this time; we were just off half way through our senior year and I had settled here well.

Since I was five we hadn’t lived anywhere any more than a year.  We had lived in over fourteen different states in my life, but New York was definitely my favourite. Just the hustle and bustle of life was enough for you to get out of bed in the morning.

“Guys! You ready?” My Mom shouted. I rolled my eyes and packed the last of my things in the last empty box.

I thudded along the corridor to see my dad chatting with the removal man. It was one of those rare times that my Dad didn’t have his suit on.

“We have a few more pieces of furniture left sir,” The removal man told my Dad. He nodded his head and grabbed a box.

I didn’t bother to look twice at our apartment- I had done this to many times before. I realised now that, I should never get to settled in one house or become over friendly with people at school. I would just have to leave them shortly after.

I pressed the button for the lift and walked in once the door opened. It stopped at the fourth floor and I knew who it would be.

“OMG you’re leaving me!” She cried as she enveloped me into a hug. “I’m gunna miss you.” She carried on. I winced a bit when she continued to squeeze me.

“Lana! Seriously don’t worry, my parents said you could come and visit.” She pulled back and brushed her hair out of her face. Her leaf green eyes sparkled with tears threatening to fall. “I’ll miss you too La.”

The lift came to a halt on the ground floor. The reception was unnecessarily grand. The front desk had marble worktop with a long crystal chandelier hanging above, with the odd businessperson wondering through. I was pretty sure they just walked in here to gawk.

We walked out further into the reception and into another familiar face. He wore his normal poker face with his hands shoved into his jean pockets. His blonde hair swept across his face as he looked up. “Uh- hey. I guess you’re ready to go then?” He asked.

“Yeah, I guess. This is just one place I didn’t want to move from.” I sighed “La be good and don’t kill Blake, will ya?” She gave a wicked grin as her eyes flickered to Blake.

Blake snorted as we walked out of the front entrance. It was an overcast day that matched my mood perfectly. It was mostly cloudy with the odd sunbeam poking through; creating odd pockets of light.

We stood in silence for a couple of minutes enjoying each other’s company, silently for the last time. “Err- it’s time to go.” Beau said quietly, I gave him a small smile before he turned and got into his car.

Blake tried to gain back his poker face, which failed. His face dropped and his mouth curling into a frown. Lana however didn’t even try to hold back the tears now. I gathered both of them in a tight hug.

After a long while, I reluctantly let go. We all gave each other one last smile as I retreated into Beau’s car. I slumped into the leather seat and looked out the window- giving New York a last look.

“You O.K?”

I shrugged in response, I had no idea. I wished my parents were less inconsiderate.

Authors notes...

Blake and Lana will make a return don't worry. I hope this sounds okai. Don't forget to vote and comment (criticism welcomed)

B x

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