"You don't have to explain to me anything. I get it, you want to get out of your doubts. Its okay." I placed the glass down with a shrug, "We can go now, I have nothing to hide." He nodded his head with a sigh and I got off the stool, walking with him out of the kitchen. I walked behind him in silence, I might have stayed but that doesn't mean that we were okay.

I don't think that I can forgive him.

We got into the car as we made our way to the doctor's office. I got out and made my way toward the door without waiting for Sloan. "I guess you guys are ready for the checkup, I thought I'd see the Alpha." At that, Sloan got in, "Oh, I thought you didn't come. We can proceed?"

"Yes." I was the one who spoke and followed after the doctor, getting inside of his office. "You can sit on the bed." I made my way toward the bed and sit down. I touched my thighs as I stretched up with a deep sigh, looking around the room.

"It's obviously that its too early to see the baby but we can make sure he or she is growing in the right place." The doctor said as he put on his gloves, "Lay down please." I did what I was told and the doctor lifted my shirt, squirting the gel on his transducer before he placed it on my lower abdomen, moving the stick around.

At the image of my baby, my heart just skipped a few beats, "The embryo is growing right here." He traced a circle around the sac, "By the measure of the uterus, you're around six weeks pregnant." He touched a few knobs on his machine as he stopped, "Overall, the embryo is less than one-fifth of an inch in length. The following features, organs, and body systems that are forming are the neural tube, which forms the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and spine. The large head and smaller C-shaped body, then the facial features including the eyes, nose, jaw, cheeks, and chin. Then the Inner ears, arm and leg buds, and tooth buds. The kidneys, liver, lungs, the pituitary gland."

"The Trachea, larynx, and bronchi will start forming with the heart who's dividing into four chambers and pumping blood and last but not least, primitive germ cells responsible for the formation of male or female genitalia. The embryo's heart will currently be beating at around 150-160 beats per minute - about twice as fast as your heart."

Wow, to think about all that it's just magical how little by little your baby will start growing. I can't wait to have him or her in my arms. The doctor took pictures and when we were done, he handed me the envelope. He gave me some vitamins and instructions for my symptoms and a diet. My collapses were because of the level of hormones in my blood, it was normal in my state and nothing alarming.

"At this stage of the pregnancy, you may not feel pregnant because there are few visible body changes." The doctor said as he gave us a smile, leaning down his chair, "You may, however, begin to experience pregnancy symptoms, I guess you already started to have morning sickness, or nausea and vomiting that can occur at any time of the day if I might add. They may call it morning sickness  but It doesn't matter if it's in the morning, afternoon, evening, night. There isn't a specific time for morning sickness."

He leaned forward as he crossed his arms on the desk, "You may also experience changes in your appetite, you may dislike some foods and crave others. Don't worry if you crave something crazy and out of the blue, it happens to most of the pregnant women so you're not the only one."

"Fatigue, yes. I know, tired a lot, feeling sleepy and weak. Don't worry, sleep as much as you want and try to not do a lot, woman tend to be extra movable when they are pregnant because they feel like they are getting lazy. Not true, it's normal to feel tired and fatigue."

"Abdominal bloating, how woman hate that but again, it's normal. Some woman get it apart but some get it all together with breast tenderness and swelling, oh, and urinary frequency and nighttime urination and last but not least, what us men hate the most, changing emotions." He clapped his hand with a smile.

"Yes, I'm talking too much but I'm a doctor and it's my job to make sure that my patients take care of themselves. General health during the pregnancy, you will need to take care of yourself and your developing baby. Do not drink alcohol, use any drugs, or use tobacco during pregnancy. There are no safe levels. Be sure to discuss all medications you are taking with me to ensure that they are safe to take during pregnancy. To nourish yourself and your baby, make sure you eat a healthy diet and take prenatal vitamins."

"Beauty, everyone wants to look their best, women of course but using permanent hair color  is not recommended during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy; instead, consider using a semi-permanent dye."

"Food, my favorite topic." He moved around in his chair, "While it is safe to eat most fish during pregnancy, some seafood contains high levels of mercury, which may be harmful to the embryo or fetus. If you plan on eating albacore tuna or tuna steak, eat, like I say to all my patients, a reasonable amount of everything. What do I mean with reasonable? Not much but not less either. Make sure all meat, chicken and eggs are well-cooked to avoid food poisoning."

"Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables before eating. They may have bacteria or chemicals on their skin and also, be careful with tea and other caffeine-containing drinks. I actually recommend my patients to avoid some herbal teas and limit caffeine, and, of course, if you have questions regarding your pregnancy overall, I'm here to answer all of them."

He looked at the both of us seriously, "Call me if you have any of the following symptoms, spotting or a small amount of vaginal bleeding, feeling faint or dizzy and pelvic cramping." He turned more serious as he could me, "Get immediate medical help if you have vaginal bleeding, leaking of vaginal fluid or tissue, loss of consciousness or fainting and pelvic pain."

On our way back Sloan didn't say anything and I didn't try to make a conversation either. He heard it himself, I was six weeks pregnant. I've been here for almost three months, you could say three months, I couldn't have been pregnant since the beginning if I was six weeks pregnant.

Actually, he can believe whatever he wants, I know that I was faithful to him and nothing else matters.

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