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Location: Sashas home at Boston
January 13th 2019

The fiasco was finally over. The police got the phone and laptop that Renee was using to blackmail me and the other Divas. Turns out Renee had a serious psychological problem. She suffered from Bipolarism and minor schizophrenia. She was put into an asylum for her crazy behaviour.

Though that totally saved her ass from going to prison for life. Instead she was sentenced to stay in an asylum for 5 years. Talk about Karma being nice to the wicked.

As for Wrestlemania, it did'nt happen. For the first time in WWE history Wrestlemania was cancelled. The WWE universe mourned the deaths of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. I did not attend both funerals. I couldn't deal with seeing them like that and to be reminded of what happened on  that awful day.

Everyone was shocked of what had transpired. Ratings went down and WWE went on a minor hiatus. TNA wrestling became a big hit at the end of 2018. However through some marketing and everyone getting over with everything, WWE was back with a bang!

Yeah almost everyone got over it. I was still traumatised.

I was back home in Boston. Couldn't move, couldn't speak. Just sat on a chair the whole day. I had no appetite to eat. I just faced and looked at the window the entire time. It's been 8 months since I was like this.

How can a person continue to live when their dreams just went into thin air? How can a person live staring death in the face but the person you loved has taken the fall? How can someone live after just finding out that they were raped and can't forgive the perpetraitor because they are dead. How can someone live after being bouded and witnessing death? How?... How?!

I felt overwhelmed by all this. It wasn't a thing that you would just get over in a week, a month or even couple years. This was something that will always be in the back of your mind. Something that would leave a mark that will be permanent. The pain, fear and sadness making you numb to feel anything, even yourself.

I became dead among the living. Only my conscious would react. The images of Deans body, Seths body and that confession of Dean raping me was on repeat. It felt as if my mind was trapped in a living nightmare of that day.

"Sasha honey. Your friend Bayley is here to see you." Says Sashas mother

*Bayley enters Sashas room and sits alongside her comforting her*

"Hey Sasha."

I couldn't find any words to say. I had no voice to say anything. Bayley continued to talk.

"Sasha I know that this isn't easy for you but you gotta find the strength again. Its been far too long. You deserve to be happy! The worst is over! Only the best is waiting to come now! Please Sasha come back! Your mum, brother, me and all the people that love you out there are waiting for the Boss to recover and make this past experience its bitch! You can inspire women out there and be a blessing to others! Please don't forget that!"

Easy for her to say.

"I was there with you too! We both experienced this nightmare. We can't let it get the best of us! We only have to move forward from this! Its no use staying in that awful place and toturing yourself. Please Sasha come back to us!" Says Bayley and she cries and lays next to Sasha

It was now night time and Bayley fell asleep lying by the chair next to me. I do feel bad that she is sleeping in an uncomfortable spot though. But nevertheless I still couldn't escape from this nightmare. I guess theres one way of ending it.

I gather my strength to finally wake up from the chair. I go towards the window. The window was closed, I opened it.

It was really windy and cold. I looked at the night sky and the road below me. Everywhere seemed of dark blue colour. Even the waves at the beach flowed slowly. It was a calm sight. I remembered of all the strives that I overcame and the love that Seth and I shared.

Even for that blink moment, I was happy but then reality kicked it again that it was all gone.

"Sasha I raped you." Says Dean

"Sasha I did love you." Says Seth

"All this is because of you!" Says Renee

"Your man wanted me!" Says Bayley

"Goodbye Sasha!" Says Roman

"You are pathetic!" Says Nia

All of these voices kept on playing in my head. I couldn't take it anymore. I then began to grab the frame of the window on either side with both of my hands and  slowly pushed myself to stand outside the window. My legs standing on the bottom frame while my hands holding the window on either side. I look down. I was way high up. The road below seemed far away.

"Do it Sasha do it! End it here you wretched bitch!" Says Renee

"I raped you." Says Dean

"End your suffering. Come join me. It's great here!" Says Seth

Thoughts started to play on my mind again. The wind is getting stronger. I lean foward. I let my grip lose. I'm about to join you Seth.

*someone grabs Sashas right hand before she falls*

"Sasha what are you doing?!" Bayley cried

"You are not gonna die by my watch! No way!"

I snapped out of my daze with Bayleys screams. What the.... I'm hanging by Bayleys hand. I look down. What?!  What am I doing down here?! Did I try to commit suicide?!

As I look at Bayley, she looks heartbrokened.


"Bayley I-"

"No time! Get back in here!"

As I try to grasp Bayley's hand for more grip and using the wall to climb back up, my hand loosens from Bayley's.

"Sasha! Hang on!"

"My hand is slipping Bayley! Help!"

She leans foward and uses her other hand. I then use my left hand to grab onto Bayleys other hand and she tries to pull me.

I use that to climb back up. I then fall on top of Bayley.

"Sasha! Why did you even do that?! You're going to get through this! Don't give up! Sasha!" Says Bayley as she starts to cry

"Bayley... I coukdn't take this pain anymore... it all happened at once and so fast... I just couldn't live anymore." I told Bayley as I began to cry too

"It's hard Sasha but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't let the people who love you be in grief! We're here! All here to love and support you!"

"I.... I- didn't know what else to do"

We hugged each other tightly and cried throughout that night. We just mourned through the suffering that we endured with full of tears. My mum entered the room. She didn't say anything but gave Bayley and I a hovering hug and we three spent the night in that position.


Wow! Thats true friendship right here even though if Bayley did a whore thing. Will Sasha be able to move pass this?! What will happen next?!

Stay tuned!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter♥ We're not done yet!

(P.S I'm not sure the medical condition was right so sorry if I was wrong!)

 Sasha Banks: Road to GloryWhere stories live. Discover now