Bayley-The High Fiver

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Seth didn't suffer any major injuries after getting hit with the steel chair. Though he is doing some R&R so we never spent a lot of time together besides me visiting him but that was it.

How could Roman do that? Can he just let me be happy! I mean sure I hit him and Bayley pretty badly but still he shouldn't had taken out his anger on Seth. I mean for crying out loud he fucking cheated on me! But anyway that was to be expected, Roman can be a bit of a sore loser.

Chilling in my hotel room in Phoenix Arizona. Theres nothing much to do here. Seth and I had a lot of things to do together but since his not here, it wouldn't feel right. However everything changed when I heard the doorbell.

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's me Bayley."

"Seriously?! What are you doing here?!"

"What do you want? Unless if you want me to open this door and bash your face against the wall."

"Sasha I didn't come for a fight. I just wanted to talk."

"No I don't want too."

"Sasha please."

I'm sure y'all must be thinking why should I bother because I'm with Seth now and Roman and I made peace. Well let me tell y'all something, the fact remains that your best friend betrayed you. Not just once but countless times! How could you be close with someone whilst backstabbing them with cheating on their partner! That sounds like a cheap, slutty act you see from watching porn before the fucking. I mean she fucked my husband before we got divorced! How messed up is that! And now she has the odacity to come here and talk to me. And about what?

"Why should I talk to you? You betrayed me in the worst way. Guess the new definition of a 'best friend' is fucking their partner in secret." I said like how prissy bitches say it then and there

"Sasha its not like that. Please let me in people are outside here."

"And so? Let them know what a whore you are. Backstabbing bitch!"

"Sasha please! Let me explain."

"Explain what?! That you enjoyed fucking my husband without me knowing?! Please we both know his dick is huge. Probably high fived it with your pussy huh?" I said as I added more loudness to make everyone on the hotel floor hear.

I then heard soft laughters getting louder. Maybe I went too far. I mean I did hit her and now humiliated her. Knowing Bayley she probably feeling like crap tenfold.

"Fine I'll let you in. Get in before I change my mind."

She comes in. I just sit on the sofa giving her glares of death. If looks could kill, she would be overkilled. She sits right on the edge of the sofa. One small movement and she could fall. Wish she'd fall of this hotel building though. Glad shes out of my reach.

"So what did you come here for now?"

"Sasha look I know you have every right to be mad and to do the things you did-"

"Hell yeah I had every right to be!" I said as I cut her off.


"No Bayley! You listen! What you did was pathetic, slutty and cheap! Hoe coukd you do this to me! I thought we were friends! We've been through everything at the WWE! I thought we had each others backs! But you stabbed me just after Roman and I got married! If you wanted him for yourself then why the fuck did you introduce him to me!!" I cried.

Tears started to roll down my face. I wanted to hit Bayley so badly but I resisted all the urges around my body. As I sat in that sofa, I changed my body position to a sitting stance. Feeling as if chains were bounding me, preventing me to go for Bayley and hit her. I squeezed my fists on the fabrics of the sofa. I put my head down, avoiding to look at Bayleys face.

"Sasha if you give me a chance to explain!"

"Explain? Explain what! Everything is clear as day! Theres no explanation for what you did. Even if there is, it doesn't justify your actions!"

"Sasha! Please!"

I said nothing. I guess I had to hear her cheap ass side of the story.

"We were only just good friends. Then after you and him got married, I started getting strong feelings for him. I guess I didn't want him to be with someone else. At first I accepted things as they were but things changed 2 years ago after you two had that fight. Roman and I had sex just after what happened when you and him were about to fuck. After that our feelings just started to open up about each other. He wanted to give you another chance but he already knew you liked Seth!"

"So you took advantage of his insecurity. How nice of you! You gave him more than a high five!" I said  sarcastically

"Sasha point is I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry! Please forgive me! I know we don't have to be friends right away but I would love to start a clean slate with you again. I miss us! We've been through a lot of shit. Lets just get pass this in time. I know my reasons are not so concrete and are just the scrape of it but I really love Roman. I'm sure he must have told you the same thing."

Well I guess I couldn't hold my anger any longer. I mean she did come out all the way out here. Though things won't be the same between us now but atleast we can end on good terms.. well sort of. I mean I have Seth now and I am happy. No use to hold this unresolved rage. In time I know my anger about this situation will leave me but for now I'll just have to forgive her halfway. Time will heal all wounds I guess.

"Well Sasha thats what I wanted to say. I better be get going I gotta go. Thank you for hearing me out."

*Sasha unexpectedly hugs Bayley from behind at the door*

"Bayley even though I still feel pissed about what happened, I can't hold you in the way of your happiness. Roman loves you and its only fair if you love him back with no restraint. I'll forgive you but don't think we are gonna be besties again."

Bayley began to tear and held my hand. She then turned around and gave me a big hug.

"Sasha thank you."

"Wait before you go can we do like a high five as a sign of ending this farce that has happened."

"Sure." She said as she smiled

Though she knew this didn't mean anything significant as being best friends again, she knew that this was for the best.

Both our right hands went at slow speed making contact wuth the high five. As it did, it made a soft clap sound. We then formed a grip, finger to finger after the a clap showing a small sign of our declaration- that this saga between lovers was offcially over
She then leaves.

Looks like Sasha has forgiven Bayley but not forgetting just yet. Hopefully in time everything would subside.

Hope you guys liked this filler chapter.

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