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I don't believe this could happen! If this picture gets out I'm literally screwed just like that time when Paiges nudes were leaked and she got fired from the WWE!

Maybe I should ask Dean or Renee or even Seth of how I got back to my hotel room. But no I can't I'm too ashamed. What do I do? Shit! I check my phone again. I do have some inboxes.

What happened last night Sasha? Man you must have had a huge hangover. Don't worry though, Renee and I brought you back to your apartment so don't freak out. Come back by the house so we can talk.


Atleast it was them who bought me home. It must have been so embarrassing. I need to phone Seth. He has some explaining to do!

I tried calling him but his phone was on voice mail. I guess I have no other choice but to go back to Dean and Renee's house to get answers.

During the drive, my nerves were all riled up. I'm scared of what's gonna happen to me. Who took that photo and how did Seth and I get in bed in the first place.


*Sasha sways her car away from the incoming car*

Fuck! I almost knocked that car! I need to concentrate. Calm down Sasha! Just calm down!

Back at Dean and Renee's house. I knock at the door. Dean opens it.

"Sasha come in."

I enter and see Renee looking concerned. I could see Seth clothes on the chair in the distance, that means his still here. Before I could see Seth, Renee stops me.

"Sasha please come sit here. Seth is still knocked out."

"Please Sasha." Says Dean calmly.


"So Sasha what happened last night?" Renee asks me.

"I don't know. Seth and I just had one drink. Just one drink! The next I know I'm back at my hotel room. I don't remember what happened after that."

"Well looks like the drinks were spiked." Says Dean.

Before the conversation could go on Seth comes walking in the living room nothing but his brief on.

"Hey guys." Seth says while he yawns.

"Hey man what the fuck you're doing with my underwear?! Take if off man!" Says Dean angrily.

"What? Thought we were pals man. Besides I couldn't come down naked. Just came to take my clothes and change. Oh hey Sasha."

He seemed so calm about it. Looks like Seth stays here often, judging how his tone and how he talks here. I stand up and look at him.

"How can you be so calm Seth? Don't you know what happened?!"

"No Sasha. I just woke up. Please calm down."

"How the fuck you want me to calm down! My career is on the line! Don't you know that someone texted me a picture of us together that was not so innocent!?"

"No I clearly don't Sasha! What do you mean end of your career and what picture?!"

Pissed off, I then find the text on my phone and fling my phone at him.

"That picture!"

I then storm out to go outside and cry. Seth then comes.

"Sasha I clearly don't know what happened. I am shocked too. I'm also worried now. Who texted you this picture?!"

"I don't ficking know! I woke up at my hotel room and the text was there!"

"Come back inside. Y'all two need to calm down. Lets discuss this." Says Renee

We go back inside and sit in the living room. At first it was silent until Renee spoke.

"So you two clearly don't know what happened?"

I say no but Seth had another answer.

"Well after we danced, its all a blur for now but of what could I remember, Sasha and I made out in the spare room. Thats all."

"But then how did you two woke up next to each other naked?"

"I clearly don't know. And what you mean you and I made out Seth."

"Yes clear as that Sasha. Maybe we did do something more that night or not."

"Why you-"

My hand formed a fist ready to punch Seth but Renee held me and calmed me down.

"Relax Sasha. Lets handle this in a civalised manner."


"Sasha don't get mad. Though how who took the pic of us?"

"I clearly don't know but this person has been texting me a while now. At first they were just some dumb texts but after today I don't know."

"Well Renee and I found y'all two the next morning. Renee put a gown over you and took your clothes and I left you at your hotel room. But the best thing for now is for you and Seth to stay away from each other and wait for this person to call you somehow."

"How do you know this person will call back?" I ask Dean.

"Well this person is gonna try to blackmail you through a call and Seth watch out, this person might text you also."

"I will. I gotta go guys I have to train." Says Seth.

"Take my brief. Dont bring it back." Says Dean comically.

Seth leaves. It was getting pretty late, I gotta go to.

"Thank you guys for helping me out like that. I'm still so embarassed that you saw me like that."

"It's fine. We are here for you. Do you want me to talk about this at the show?"

"No Renee. Don't make it big as yet. Until I can find the texter and everything.


"Bye guys."

"Bye." They say in Unison.

It was 8:00 PM. I returned to my hotel room, still tensed about the situation. While undressing I get a call from a private number. Could this be the number? I answer it.

"Miss legit Boss."

It was the texter. The voice sounded computerised. This person was definetly disguised their voice.

"Who are you?"

"I am someone who will help you, if you do as I say. If not well ya know whats coming."

"Listen you I-"

"Calm down honey. You should be the last one making any threats. So ya gonna listen. I won't post that sexy pic of Seth and yourself if you follow my orders."

"Orders excuse me! I will not be slaved around! Who the fuck are you?! What do you want?!"

"Save it for the ring oh Miss Legit Boss. Now listen ya gonna keep reading through the texts I'm gonna give you thats all for now and trust me you would die to hear from me sweety."

"No! You cannot do this to me! I will find you and destrot you! You get that!"

"Nay bitch. Ya fighting a losing battle. Anyway be ready for my next texts and also I will propose something to you very soon. You should had followed my advice but oh well. Talk to ya soon Miss legit Boss."

And just like that the call ended. I was afraid more than angry, this person could destroy me in a matter of seconds. A ticking timebomb.

Wow. What will Sasha do now? What does the texter want for their silence? Hmmm....

Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while. Been through a block. Will try and update so please stay tuned!

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