thirty two

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~this ain't no time skip. I'm just here to say y'all have no faith in me whatsoever~

"Officer down!" Jade repeated.

Everyone came from the places they were hiding and ran over to Jade and the best detective they have ever had.

"Is she okay?" Jesy asked.

"Are you dumb?" Ashley asked.

"She might just be." Victoria said.

"You know what you guys failed to realize?" Dinah's voice rang out.

Everyone looked at her as she took off her shirt.

"There was no blood coming from my chest," The blonde said with a sigh and got up. "Do you really think I would come to a shoot out with no protection, knowing I have a fiancée who is scared something will happen to me if I go anywhere that involves this job?"

"You fucking bitch." Jade rolled her eyes and Dinah smiled at her in amusement. "You scared us."

"Mmm, yes. That is my job," the Polynesian smiled. "Do you guys have everything else handled. You do? Thank you. I need to get home. She's probably texting and calling me nonstop."

Which she was. The shootout lasted for over an hour.

"Sergeant!" Dinah heard Ashley yell after her.

She turned around. "Yes?"

"Shouldn't you get your shoulder checked out?" The blue haired girl asked.

"Shouldn't you be doing your job?" The Polynesian lifted an eyebrow.


When Dinah walked through the door in nothing but a bullet proof vest, everyone looked at her. They were all relieved as hell that she wasn't hurt. Normani got up and ran over to her, giving her a hug. The Tongan hugged her back with the arm that wasn't in serious pain right now.

"I love you so god damn much. I don't know what I would do if you had gotten hurt." She mumbled.

"I love you too, Mani." Dinah said, kissing the top of her fiancée's head. "And about that getting hurt part..."

Normani's eyes raked over her body until they landed on her wounded shoulder. "How?"

"I shot at him, and he shot back...and hit me. It's not that hard to comprehend, actually. Now, can we please go to the hospital it's starting to numb?"

"Yes, let's go."

The five girls got into someone's car, Ally's, and drove to the hospital. Dinah immediately went into surgery and Normani was freaking out during it all.

"It's her fucking arm. Can you calm the hell down?" Camila rolled her eyes. "This has happened before."

"What?" Ally and Normani asked simultaneously. "It has?"

"Yeah. Last time it was in the leg, though." The Cuban-Mexican shrugged.

"I thought it was her foot?" Lauren asked.

"That was before–"

"How many times has this ho been shot, the fuck?" The youngest girl asked.

"Three times." The Cuban-American said.

"And so far I was only told about one." Ally eyed the other two girls.

"That wasn't my fault." They shook their heads.

The four had been sitting in the hospital for over two hours until they heard someone call them back.

"Hansen." The English voice said.

The four stood and walked over to Leigh-Anne. "Is she okay?" Normani asked.

"Completely fine. Everything went well," The older girl smiled. "Room six twenty."

"Thank you." The younger girl smile back and began walking away.

"And Mani." The doctor called after her.

Normani turned around.

"Congrats on the engagement."

"Thank you, Leigh." Normani smiled.

The four girls made their way to room 620 and opened the door.

"Dinah, baby, are you okay?" The brunette asked.

"I'm fine," Dinah smiled lazily. "I just got shot in the arm."

"'I just got shot in the arm,'" Normani mimicked her fiancée. "You say that as if it wasn't a big deal."

"Oh no, it definitely is,"the detective nodded. "It's crazy, bro."

The younger girl rolled her eyes, but smiled. "It certainly is crazy, bro," She said, walking over to the older girl and kissing her forehead. "Promise me you won't scare me like that ever again."

Dinah sighed and shook her head. "You know I can't do that. Not with this job."

Normani nodded and bit her bottom lip. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you more." The taller girl whispered back.

The darker girl slowly smiled. "Not possible."

"Yes, possible." Dinah smiled.

Normani smiled back and placed a kiss on her lips. "Yeah, well," she said after she pulled back up. "I love you most."

Lauren made a gagging noise from the corner. "Please, stop. I'm actually dying over here, oh my."

The two girls looked at their friend and rolled their eyes. "Fuck you, Jauregui."





Y'all need to chill out. Have some faith in me, damn.

I think I'm going to actually go to bed now. I strangely woke up at two a clock, so I started writing a new chapter..and now I'm done so..yeah.

Night boos. Next time I do some crazy shit, y'all better have some faith in me..or someone's really gon die...and we don't want that do we? 😔✊🏾

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