Chapter 36- One Direction- ZAP!

Start from the beginning

Niall watched himself on the ground. His eyes were wide and he was surrounded by a halo of blue. Suddenly, the blonde's eyes started to slowly close. Harry saw him and started to shake him a little.

“Don't do this Niall!” Harry shouted at the 20 year old. “C'mon, just give Louis a little more time. You can make it!”

“Please, Niall,” Louis begged, watching Niall's breathing slow. “Don't give up on me now,”

But it was too late. The young lad's eyes closed and his breathing stopped all together, coming out in one last, slow sigh.

The two other boy's sat in stunned silence for a moment. Louis was too shocked to even stop his healing powers. Harry's hand's started to shake and he crawled up closer to Niall's face. His arms trembled vigorously as he tried to find a place to set his hands. “N- No!” Harry stammered, blinking away tears.

“Niall,” Louis breathed, bursting into tears.

“No!” Harry protested louder, causing Liam and Zayn to turn around.

Niall still watched from above as Zayn stood still, staring at the blonde boy. “No,” He whispered to himself.

“Niall!” Liam roared, looking completely crushed.

Harry collapsed over Niall's body, crying hard into his friend's chest.

“I can heal him!” Louis shouted, placing both hands over Niall's stomach. His power started to glow brighter as he looked on determinedly at that single spot. His own tears were blurring his vision, but he didn't care. His whole body started to shake; from grief or from the strain it put on his own body as he pushed his power to it's limit, he wasn't really sure. “I can still heal him!” It was hard to tell if Louis was saying it to himself or to everyone.

“Niall!” Harry sat up and looked around. His hands held fists full of Niall's suit and he looked at all of the soldiers around them and at Mr. X's monster.

It was Harry who finally snapped. Poor, gentle Harry who would never hurt a fly, finally jumped to his feet, screaming at the top of his lungs in white hot rage. Zayn and Liam could only stare at Niall, but Harry broke to pieces right there.

He screamed again, doubling over from the force of his own lungs, veins popping out of his neck. When he screamed the second time, it was as if the air had gone still. Like the whole world really did stop moving. The soldiers were lifted from their feet by Harry's fury filled power, but his friends remained untouched.

The androids were hefted violently into buildings, exploding into fireballs and shrapnel.

Just let me die here, Harry, Niall thought as he watched One Direction fall apart from his death.

Louis was still trying to heal the boy, emanating a brilliant blue glow that surrounded the both of them. From where Niall was floating, he felt a twinge of pain in his stomach and looked down. He watched in complete awe as his wound started to close. Niall felt himself being jerked back to the ground. He grinned widely as the street rushed up at him and he was slammed back into his body.

Niall sat up, letting out a scream as he felt the whole word collide with him. Adrenaline pounded through his veins and he still felt a horrible ache in his stomach, but he was on such a massive rush, it didn't seem to matter.

“Niall!” Louis gasped. Niall leaned back on his hands, panting hard and trying to catch his breath.

“Oh, my god!” Zayn said. Harry and Liam only stared at him.

“Niall!” Louis repeated, breaking into a smile. His eyes were wet with tears again, but they weren't sad anymore. “You're alive!” He rammed himself into Niall, pulling him into a tight hug and almost knocking him over.

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