Chapter 37

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When a baby is born from the womb, they see a tunnel of white light that blinds them as they are welcomed to life. Some people believe that it's the very same light you see when you die.

Mom and dad always told me that it's the angels that are escorting your soul to heaven. Will think it's your reincarnation - that you are being reborn into your next life.

Whatever the case may be, I welcomed that luminescent light with open arms. It made me feel at peace, like I didn't have a care in the world anymore. Justin, Blake, Will, Frank, Denzel... they were all names I could forget. The only thing I was looking forward to was the hope that I would meet my parents soon if they were killed.

I would be able to talk to her again. Feel her motherly embrace around me. Hear her tell me that everything will be okay. I would be able to talk to him again. Listen to his fatherly wisdom. Knowing he has my back.

I would be able to tell them both I love them and that I miss them.

But just as quick as the light appeared in front of my eyes, it disappeared and was replaced with complete and utter darkness.

I had been waiting here in isolation from everything that I once knew. I had time; lots of it; to think about how I lived my life. To ruminate about the people I loved and cared for. Regret the ignorant choices I made along the way and rejoice in the ones that brought me happiness.

I must admit though, after an infinite amount of thoughts rushed through my mind, I was beginning to feel restless. Well, that is if I could have felt restless. My mind was screaming at me in agony to wake up from this endless pit of blackness, but I couldn't feel my body. I didn't even know if I had a body anymore.

This had to be my punishment.

Being stuck in a never ending state of seclusion without any hope of getting out.

* * *

Thoughts came and went.

At this point, I had no understanding of what time meant anymore. I was just being - somewhere between a sombered state of consciousness and death.

But the restlessness in my mind grew with each passing introspection I had pondered on.

I had made up my mind about seven things:

One - I loved Justin with all my heart and if given the chance, I would go to the deepest depths of the sea and walk up Mount Everest to show him my regret and determination to be with him. He was the guy that made my heart - if I still had one - beat for him until we would die together in each other's arms of old age. Notebook cliché, I know.

Two - Blake Leigh was not a bad person. I would have probably reacted the same way as he did with me when he saw me after all the time he had spent hiding in South Africa. He showed great character in the end by letting me go as a lover and accepting a friendship instead. I would be friends with him. We shared a part of our lives that others could not comprehend.

Three - Frank Leigh was and always be a father figure to me. His actions wasn't necessarily justified, but I could understand where he was coming from. My parents would have gone to the extreme measures he did if they had the resources and was in the same position.

Four - Denzel Joyce was an asshole and chauvinist. I would have made use of the growing platforms of my social media to expose him and what damage he has done not only to me, but to the ethical standards that HarperCollins strive to uphold in their professional conduct.

Five - Will was and always will be my best friend. He had suffered enough consequences about his sexuality and even though many people are torn about whether it is right or wrong, I would support his choices as a best friend should. As long as it made him happy. Everyone deserves happiness. Especially Will.

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