Chapter 7

431 22 4

First Edit: 03/08/2017

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The groans are audible when I hear my phone vibrate under my pillow. I sound like a pregnant walrus.

With squinting eyes, I unlock my screen and look at the time - eight in the morning. Thank heavens it was Sunday,

I open the message on my phone.

unknown:  did u sleep well? 

me:  who is this?

unknown:  Justin

me:  oh, my bad.

me:  yes, i just woke up. 

me:  still in bed

Justin:  so...

Justin:  i was thinking

Me:  Im listening

Justin: maybe i can take you out for dinner or something

Justin:  like court you the proper way

Justin:  and try to change ur impression of me

Me:  what's wrong with my impression of you?

Justin:  IT sUCKS. u think i'm a player.

Me:  i don't think you're a player

Me:  but who says i wanna be courted

Justin:  u said so last night?

Me:  I said the proper thing is to court a lady if you like her

Justin:  so... 

Justin:   whats ur point?

Me:   i didn't mean you have to court me

Justin:  but what if i want to?

Me:  you do?

Justin: yeAH, i want to make it up 2u

Me:  and what about your book?

Justin:  what dose that have to do with us?

Justin:  *does

Justin:  because of where we met?

Justin:  besides, i just met for a possible iDEA

Justin:  nothing ISD ON paper yet

Justin:  WONT be for a while 2

Justin:  say yes please?

Justin:  pretty plz

I take a deep breath, almost in disbelief that Justin is asking me out on a date. He sure is taking a lot of time to try and persuade me to go out with him. He is ridiculously attractive and has decent manners.

Well, decent-ish.

My phone vibrates again a few times, feeling like a damn vibrator in my hands.

Will:  Come to my room NOW!

Will:  bish its a EMERGENCVY!!! 

Will:  im dying!!!!

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