Chapter 4

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First Edit: 21/07/2017

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I slip on my tight-fitted black dress - a classic I always come back to.

The lace and low halter makes me feel a little more risque than what I would usually want to feel for a night such as this - heck I don't even know who I'm meeting.

My hair is loosely curled and hanging down to my waist. My face is flawless, for once, with the makeup Will forced me to put on. 

"Here, put this on," he hands me a tube of lipstick. I begrudgingly flip it over and read the label, "Mac. Rooby Woo."

I look at him disapprovingly, "Will! You know I'm the type of person that will get this red all over my teeth! Don't do this to me!" I moan.

"Does it look like I was born yesterday? This bïtch has you covered!" he snaps his fingers and takes out a thin sheet of tissue, translucent powder and a brush. Within seconds he powders down the gloss and makes it matte after I put it on.

When I make my way to the mirror, I gasp. "I'm impressed Will. Your tastes is better than mine."

"And this surprises you?" he lifts a brow and flips his scarf over his shoulder, "Now we just need to find the perfect heels for you."

I roll my eyes and plonk down on my bed, "I can't believe you're making me dress up to go have dinner with a total stranger."

"Honey, Bieber is not a stranger," he disappears into my closet and yells, "You've been saying his name in your sleep ever since you met him!"

I groan, "What the hell Will! You've been watching me sleep?"

I hear him laugh, "I own you! Get use to it!"

If life was measured by emoji's, I would be the eyeroll. Everyday, all day.

"We don't even know if it's him," I remind him.

Will walks out of my closet with two pairs of heels in his hands, "Take your pick and shut up about your mystery date. Some of us don't even have nice men taking us out to dinner! Be grateful!"

Major eyeroll.

I look at the heels - one pair is way too high for my tastes, red leather stilettos. The other is classic black Louboutin heels with the red streak under the heel.

I motion for him to hand me the Louboutins, "I see red is a recurring theme tonight."

When I walk out of my bedroom, Will is already lounging on my couch . He has a face mask on and is stuffing nutella into his mouth.

He smiles at me with chocolate-covered teeth, "I'll be waiting right here until you return to tell me everything! Have fun!"

I huff, "Yeah yeah, see you later," and bid my goodbye.



I heard of this place from Mr. Leigh. He couldn't stop raving about the celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck, that worked here. He swore that this buzzy, sleek bistro called Spago, has the best and most creative Californian cuisine.

I guess I'll find out.

I give the elegant building and white walls one last look.

Who am I about to meet?

My heart is skipping beats like it's at a rope jumping competition. What if Justin is actually waiting for me on the other side of the door?

Wouldn't that be something.

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