Chapter 1

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First edit: 14/07/2017

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You know what I hate?

When you struggle your ass off to open your apartment door only to realise it's already open. Now I'm standing here, feeling like an idiot for not realising it was open sooner.

It's to no surprise that I see Will being a couch potato in my living room. He is stuffing popcorn into his mouth and Netflix is on stream.

"Bae!" he exclaims with his mouth full, "How was your first day?"

With a grunt I pluck out my phone and open the page I had bookmarked earlier. The New York Post. Celebrity gossip section. I don't know even how to start with a proper explanation, so instead, I just hand him the phone to read it himself.

"What's this?" he asks with both brows furrowed.

"Just read it," I say, plonking on the couch next to him. The first thing I do is kick off the heels I wore to work today.

Stupid heels.

"Justin Bieber was in your office building today?" he shrieks, "You selfish bïtch! You should have called me, I would have loved to see his fine ass!"

"Will!" I hiss, "Just continue reading the goddamned article!"

He looks at me bewildered. Honestly, I'm surprised at my own anger, but it would be really helpful if he stopped with his bïåtch comments and focus on what I'm trying to tell him.

His eyes turn the size of golfballs, "Oh lord have mercy!" he sits up straight and puts his hand on his chest. I notice the turquoise nail polish he has on his nails. Why does he always scavenge through my stuff when I'm not home?!

"Girl, you talked to him?" he asks with a low-key excited voice, "I don't understand, why the hell are you angry? You met Justin Bieber! I'd say you had a fantastic effing day! Look," he gasps, "your picture is even here with him! I don't know about that baggy pants of his, but heaven knows I would tap..."

I cut him off, "Will! You don't understand! It was the worst!" My arms practically fly through the air with exaggeration.

"Oh I understand..." he says. I give him a nudged look, hoping he would catch on to what I was saying, but alas, it was hopeless. There he goes again, "He is one of those stuck-up celebs huh? Pretending to be nice onscreen, but in real life they're snobby and motherfu-"

"Will!" I shout, I don't like it when people swear. Maybe it's they way I was brought up, but still. He still doesn't get what I'm saying.

I grit my teeth and scoot to the edge of the couch, "That's not it."

"Then what is it?" he frowns.

"That's one of hundreds of articles online. My whole workplace blew up, HR even gave me a raise per hour because of all the so-called exposure I'm giving the company." I roll my eyes and continue to explain, "One of the managers even wanted to buy me a drink, because they were so impressed with me," I ramble on.

"Get to the goddamn point!" Will says impatiently, "a raise on your first day? Are you kidding me, it sounds like you hit the jackpot today!"

"I didn't know who he was..." I mumble in an inaudible low voice.

"Say what now?" Will asks, "speak up!"

"I didn't know who he was!" I say with a shriek. Will looks at me like I've spoken in a foreign language, so I try again. "Justin Bieber. I didn't know who he was. I mean, I know he is famous now, but I still don't know why!"

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