Chapter 15

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First Edit: 20/08/2017

In this chapter Leah will be opening up about subjects such as war and racism. If you are sensitive to topics like that, please feel free to give it a skip and scroll down to where Will's P.O.V starts. Thank you.

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The door flies shut with a bang and I kick of the heels from my feet on the floor. My back leans against the door and I breathe in and out whilst recollecting the events of tonight.

Have I ended things with Justin before it could have started? I was so sure that we had something in the pipeline, something worth catching feels. My lips tremble and I force myself to swallow down the tears that threaten to escape my eyes. I can't blame anyone but myself for what I just did.

If this is what you are, I don't know if I'm the right fit for you...

I shake the memory and groan. Not the best way to let a guy off easy, especially since I didn't actually want it to play out like that, did I?

"Oh look who decided to grace me with her presence!"

I look up, seeing Will fixing a sandwich for him in the kitchen, sassy as ever. He raises a brow at my stance and I shove myself forward and plaster on a poker face.

Perhaps it's better that I just go to my room and be done with this evening, but just as I try to walk pass him he lifts the butter knife towards me and glares, "Sit your ass down, right now!" he motions to the couch.

Is Will wearing mascara?

"Now!" he roars and I jump a little. I'm in no mood to argue any further, so I sloth over to the couch and plonk down, bringing my knees to my chest in a hug. I hope he doesn't try to go all bîtch mode on me tonight, I just might burst out in a full on sob.

"That was easier than I thought," he mumbles and seats himself next to me.

Yes, it was easy too when I told Justin that I'm not the type of girl he wants.

Why is this making me so emotional? Before I can stop myself, two lone tears betray me and escape my eyes. I swoosh them off with a hiss. Will's eyes grow wide at the sight, he's never seen me cry before and then they turn soft. He has a sympathetic and an apologetic look to him that he didn't have two minutes ago.

He takes my hand, "Is that tears?" he wiggles his brows. Oh gosh, I should have known he would make a mockery out of this. I can't help but laugh with him. He always teases me about how rare ''Leah tears' are.

After a moment, I successfully regain my composure and inhale a deep breath. I look at Will with seriousness, "Look, I'm sorry for lying to you," I say, "I guess it's easier to say my parents are dead, rather than explaining what happened to them."

He frowns, "What do you mean 'what happened to them'?"

I look down and close my eyes at all the memories that intrude my mind in one go. I don't want to think about this, I really don't.

Will squeezes my hand, "Boo you gotta tell me your story if you wanna call me your best friend. You're like Leo in Catch Me if You Can when it comes to personal questions, always trying to change lanes when I ask you stuff."

I nod my head in agreement, "I know, I know." I give him a shamefull smile, "I thought that it would be better to keep everything to myself. Turns out," I lean back and huff, "it wasn't. Not at all."

A sudden thought makes me cringe. Had I be more open about myself when Justin asked me questions, the night would have gone much better than what it did. Sure, he tried to impress me and I couldn't care less about it, but if I attempted to talk like we did the night before, things wouldn't have ended the way they did.

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