Chapter 16

266 15 2

First Edit: 25/08/2017

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A sudden swoosh and light pouring into my room makes me open my eyes in a jolt.

What the hell?

I squint out of my droopy eyes and see Will tugging my curtains out the way, "Wake up sleepy head! It's almost noon!"

I pull the cover over my head and murmur, "It's Sunday, leave me alone!"

"No can do! We're going shopping!" Will tugs the cover off my head with a hand on his hip.

Is it really noon already? I stretch out my hand to the bedside table to get my phone but feel nothing. With a sigh, I sit up and pout.

Will sees me searching for my phone between the sheets for like a good minute before he intervenes, "Your phone is in the kitchen, I saw it there when I made coffee."

With a huff I push myself out of bed and glare at him, "Gee thank you for telling me right away."

"Good morning to you too miss sunshine!" he rolls his eyes and walks over to my closet. Seconds later he comes out with high waisted shorts, an off-the-shoulder crop top and vans.

"What are you doing?" I frown.

"Getting you ready for our shopping spree, you better look flawless in the Instagram pictures I want to post!" Will shoves the clothes in my hands and walks out.

I shrug and start to undress. I'm not going to complain if someone else chooses an outfit for me, saves me the time. In all seriousness though, I really need to keep track of my sleeping patterns more. I can't even remember leaving my phone in the kitchen, I swear I was playing Candy Crush into the early morning hours...

Loud music plays down the hall when I open my bedroom door and I frown. Will knows I'm not a morning person. He must be excited for our shopping trip. I can see Will standing at the end of the corridor, waiting for me.

He has a weird apologetic smile on his face and I can't help but wonder what is up with him. He's not one to wake up early either. Before I could even ask, a cling of metal grabs my attention. I hear how it bangs against the tiles and then someone curses under their breath.

It's not Will, because he is looking at me with wide eyes written full of horror. I glare at him and push pass him to see what the hell is going on in our kitchen.

A handsome man stands with his back turned to us, chopping fresh produce, Will turns down the music and the guy turns around.

Justin looks at me with an unreadible expression and I just freeze.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper. I can literally feel the life draining from my face and I turn to Will for a possible explanation.

He lifts his hands in the air, "I'll be in my room, sleeping. This idiot made me stay up all night!" he walks off.

I cross my arms, feeling awkward.

"Leah," I hear him saying my name, "look at me."

I shiver as his voice penetrates my skin, making butterflies swirl in my stomach. When did I allow Justin to have such an effect over me?

I turn and jump a little when I realize he is standing inches away from me.

He touches my arm, "I fûcked up, I know. Before you walk off, give me one chance to explain, please."

I don't know why I just scoff and walk away, but I stand there allowing him to touch me and talk to me. My body and my heart wants more. So I nod and let him lead us to the couch. I sit right next to him and bite my lip while I wait..

Stranger // [Justin Bieber]Where stories live. Discover now