Chapter 3

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First edit: 15/07/2017

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"So let me get this straight," Will folds his arms and slumps onto my bed.

I'm packing my clothes into suitcases and he is bugging me with the same conversation over and over again. He's about to go at it again.

3. 2. 1.

"You haven't even lived in this apartment for a few months, let alone work for a week; and they're basically sending you to live the dream life in Los Angeles?" he raises a brow and pouts.

Called it.

With a deep breath I look to him, "Yes Will. We've been over this a million times."

"Boo, are you sure you didn't sleep with the CEO or something?"

"Now you're being ridiculous!" I glare at him.

"Hah!" he shrieks as he stands up and cracks his knuckles.

Here we go again.

With a finger pointed at me, he starts, "The only thing that is ridiculous, is a company that promotes you to a position, that takes years to reach might I add, and then sending you off to a city every fame-whore is dying to go to - all for the sake of one publicity stunt."

He folds his arms again, "And did I forget to mention you haven't even worked a week for them! Not. even. a. week. Leah. Not even a week."

"Ugh!" I groan and put my hands over my face, "I know, I know!" I mutter through my fingers. The mere thought of being unfairly promoted makes me cringe.

I look at Will who returned to his position on my bed, "Will, I promise you, I tried telling them on more than one occasion that I didn't do anything to deserve this! They laugh it off as if I'm being humble about it." I slump down next to him and shake my head, "It's like they are ignoring my confession on purpose."

Will stares forward for a few seconds and then looks to me with a unreadable face, "Something is off," he says.

"What do you mean?" my brows furrow at his comment.

"I mean, stuff like this doesn't happen without there being some sort of catch."

He's right. I know he is.

I shrug and tell him what I know. "I talked to Mr. Leigh about it. I thought that there might be a hidden agenda behind this, but he says I just got lucky. Apparently they want Justin to sign with HarperCollins to do some sort of biography on his 'rise to fame' and that I happened to be spotted with him at the right time and place."

"And you're their ticket to do that? How?" he folds his arms.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it has something to do with saving the company advertising costs, since my photo gave them free exposure."

Will straightens his back, "I'm sorry Leah, but I'm just not buying it. By next week we'll be reading how Selena hits it off with the Weeknd and how Justin throws some shade at them in a tweet or something. No offense, but I don't see how the name Leah Smith will be ringing a bell."

"Selena? The weekend? How does one throw shade?" What the hell is he talking about?

Will starts clapping his hands, "Get with the program honey-boo-boo!" he throws his arms in the air and groans, "Were you locked up back in Africa? How come you know so little of this stuff?"

I let out high-pitched chuckle, "No, nothing like that." I can't help but rub the back of my neck. It's as if my saliva turned into cinnamon and I can't swallow properly.

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