Chapter 19

208 13 3

First Edit: 04/10/2017

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The soft linens I feel underneath me makes a frown come over my face as I come out of a deep sleep. This isn't my bedding, I have silk. This is soft cotton. Like a baby's butt.

I turn around and stretch as I open my eyes.  A few strokes of bright sunlight hits my eyes and it takes a while for my eyes to adjust.

Dust particles swirl around in a ray of sunlight and I follow the dance until my eyes meet the sleeping face of a greek god.

Justin is on his front, his bare back exposed to my lustful eyes. His hand is inches away from my thigh and I can't help but gulp at the close proximity between us.

And then I realise I only have my underwear on.

Oh god.

Did we...?

In a blink of an eye, I shift my legs up and down, trying to feel something that's thankfully not there. Nothing feels different. Surely you feel something after your first time?

Justin breathes in deep and my focus shifts to him. I lift up the sheet with caution, afraid of what I might see. He is dressed in his sweatpants and I let out a loud sigh of relief.

Praise the Lord.

"Don't worry, nothing happened," I hear him say in a deep, gruff voice. He can do a lot more than sing bass notes with that morning voice.

Hot damn.

Justin shifts to the side and opens his eyes with a smile on his face, "Good morning beautiful." In no less than a second he has his arm wrapped around me and pulls me back to lie on the pillow next to him.

I look into his golden bambi eyes and shake my head, "I almost thought..." with eyes closed I inhale as I try to find the appropriate words.

His fingers trail over my cheek and he tucks loose hair behind my ear, "I wouldn't do that to you Leah," he reassures.

My face is buried in his chest and I hear him chuckle. Why do I always make stuff like this so awkward? I mumble underneath my breath, "I know, I'm sorry, I guess I just froze for a second thinking I lost my virginity without even remembering."

Wait. Reverse there for a second. Why the hell did I just say that?


I can feel his body tense against mine before his hand brings up my face to look at him, "What did you just say?" he asks in a higher pitch with furrowed brows.

Well, he clearly didn't miss the part where I said virginity. I gulp and look down, too embarrassed to say it out loud again.

"Leah, look at me," he says, lifting my chin to his meet his chiseled face, his eyes wide with confusion and anticipation.

I try to put on my best poker face, "It slipped out. Sorry."

His eyes grow more wide and I can see how he struggles to keep his cool, "You're a virgin? Leah why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asks in a low voice.

"When I told you I was only kissed once before you took it with surprise, imagine your reaction if I told you I'm a virgin too," I mutter.

Justin lets go of me and sits up, looking perplexed. He scratches the back of his head and exclaims, "Fúcking hell Leah! I slept in the same bed as you last night! I would have never if I knew you-"

"Am a virgin?" I cut him off, "That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you, because you would treat me different! Being a virgin doesn't make me fragile or vulnerable or something!"

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