Chapter 21

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Nervous didn't begin to describe the way I felt as I stared at the picture I was about to post on Instagram.

Everyone had taken selfies and I, against my better knowledge, attempted to take what seemed to be, an innocent selfie.

I stared at the picture of where I was being kissed on the cheek by Justin with Kendall, Kylie, Gigi, Jaden and Tyga posing with us. Every single on of them looked like Greek gods; and every single one of them had millions of followers on Instagram.

I closed my eyes and posted the photo. My follower count was already up from a few hundred to eight hundred thousand. The irony of people following you that you've never even seen or met in your life was scary.

I can't believe I let Denzel Joyce manipulate me in to posting a picture when I've managed to shoot people without blinking when they imposed a threat on the ones I loved. How did I get into this mess?

My bedroom door bursts open as Will walks over to where I was sitting on my bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks with his usual attitude of sass.

I gulp, "I um, I can explain."

He frowns, "Yes you better explain to me why you didn't invite me with to your little pool party yesterday! I could have munched on some of those handsome males prancing around in nothing but shorts and-"

I cut him off, I was not about to listen to him lusting after men, "Will! Cut it out!"

He places his hand on his hip, looking pissed off, "Leah don't think because you're all famous you can-"

"I'm not thinking anything! Urgh!" I fall back on my bed, frustrated.

Will frowns, dropping the subject, "Why is your tits all in a knot? Aren't you suppose to be like, happy and shit?"

I bring my hands to my head, "No, I don't deserve to be happy after what I've done!"

Will, peaked with interest at my statement scoots over next to me on the bed and pulls me up sluggishly, "What did you do?" He asks in anticipation.

I take a deep breath and look down at my phone again. This time I scroll down and tap on Justin's name, enlarging the picture of us in bed where he announced I was his girlfriend. 

"This is a disaster!" I show it to him.

Will seems very confused, "What do you mean? Don't you want to date him? I thought you liked him!"

"I do like him and I do want to be his girlfriend," I say as I back out to the picture I posted, "but this isn't what I want to do!"

He takes the phone and frowns, examining the picture, "You don't want to go to pool parties with famous people? What's wrong with you bitch!"

"No! I don't want to be blackmailed!"

Will looks at me as if I spoke a foreign language he did not understand.

I sigh and explain, "My boss thinks that dating Justin and hanging out with his friends is part of my job description."

"But didn't Justin decide not to do a book for now?"

I throw my hands in the air, "Exactly! He has nothing to do with HarperCollins! None of them do!"

"Leah what's going on?" He voice is filled with genuine concern now.

"Denzel Joyce is blackmailing me into posting pictures with Justin and his friends, and giving HarperCollins publicity by subtly tagging them or mentioning them somewhere in my posts or comments."

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