Chapter 11

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First Edit: 10/08/2017

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"This is stupid," I mutter as I take another turn up another street in a nearby neighbourhood.

I'm officially the stupidest person I know. How I managed to walk out into the city of all places, in the middle of the night of all times and get lost, only I can manage. 

The light breeze is making me shiver quite a bit and I stick my hands into my pockets to provide me with some kind of warmth. 

This is what you get for getting lost.

The city lights brighten up the street I walk in and I give a big sigh in frustration. It's pass eleven now and I've been walking for more than two hours. Heaven only knows where I am now.

Even if I could, I am not ready to go back to the apartment.  Will was unreasonable and even if he thinks I lied, which I didn't really, he should've at least given me a chance to explain, but he didn't. 

This is all his fault.

The streets are oddly quiet and I feel quite safe compared to how unsafe it is back in South Africa. You'd be mugged, raped, killed and kidnapped if you walked alone in the streets at night as a woman.

Not that I think these streets are much safer, but I don't wanna think about that.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out, seeing who is calling me.


"Hi! I hoped that you would pick up," the husky voice says, "what are you doing?"

I look up and down the street before crossing it, "I'm just wandering around," I say, "you know, getting to know the city."

"Oh you're out? Do you want me to join you?" Justin asks.

I let out a nervous giggle, "Sure," I say hesitantly, "there's just one problem."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"I have no idea where I am," I blush, even though he doesn't see it. 

This is the second time I've admitted that I don't know where I am.

"Are you out alone?" he sounds worried.

"Yeah, I kinda just took off and walked around the neighborhood, but I guess I must have walked a little too far."

"You mean you're wandering around the city by foot?" he almost yells at me, but takes a deep breath, "send me your location, I'm coming to get you."

I want to argue, but I don't. I'm cold, lost and kind of tired of walking. So I do what he says and send him my location.

Why didn't I think of this sooner? 

I find a little grass patch and bench between all the buildings and decide to go sit down and wait for him.

My phone rings again. This time I'm not so keen on answering.

"What do you want?" I hiss.

Will takes a deep breath on the other side of the phone, "Where are you Leah? It's getting late!" he says in a nonchalant way. Wow, way to make me feel special.

"I don't know where I am, I'm lost," I say.

"You're such a bîtch, first you lie and then you walk off getting your sorry ass lost in the mothereffing city! Heaven knows!" he sighs, probably rolling his eyes, "Just stay where you are and send me your location so I can come get you."

Stranger // [Justin Bieber]Where stories live. Discover now