Chapter 10

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First Edit: 07/08/2017

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"What a surprise!" I plaster on a smile when I open the door. He hands me a bouquet of mixed flowers and I take them.

"I flew down yesterday for some business meetings, couldn't miss the opportunity to stop by and see how you're doing," he says and steps into my apartment. He kisses me on the cheek and looks around the room, "You've done well for yourself!"

I smile as I take out a vase to put the flowers in, "Thank you for the bouquet," he knows very well I didn't do anything to deserve this apartment, "Something to drink?" I ask.

"Whiskey." He takes a seat in the living room and waits for me. I bring his glass over as well as my own glass of wine.

I'm going to need this. Men like him don't just 'stop by.'

"Mind if I smoke?" he asks, already taking out his case with cigars.

I don't like smoking at all, it seeps into everything in the house and you struggle to get out the stench for weeks. But it was Mr. Leigh, I'll probably allow him to do drugs in my apartment without saying a word.

One does not defy Mr. Leigh.

"So how is the new job?" he coughs after the first pull and readjusts himself.

I lean back, "Not what I'm used to, but fun nonetheless. I'm meeting someone called Robin Thicke tomorrow, wants to do a book on telling the truth about some other celebrity grinding on him at an award show or something," I explain.

I know I'm not suppose to say anything about my clients, but come on, it's Mr. Leigh. The man owns half of the entertainment industry, including its celebrities. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he's part of the illuminati.

"Oh I remember that being all over the tabloids," he notes, taking another puff of his cigar.

"I'm more excited to meet Freddie Prinze Jr. next week though, he is one of the few famous people I actually know. All these others are just a blur, I don't know anyone or what they're even famous for," I say.

He takes a sip of his whiskey, "You've been hanging out with the Bieber kid. He's famous."


I scratch the back of my neck and laugh nervously, "Oh, Justin. Yes."

What the hell? What kind of answer was that Leah?

He nods, "Do you like him?"

I don't know what comes over me, but it seems I'm having a coughing fit. I can't stop clearing my throat and cough again.

"Come on girlie, I know that cough. You like him, don't you?" he looks at me with those baby blue eyes. The crow's feet and smile lines are evident on his face as he questions me with a raised brow.

Of course he knows that cough. I did the same thing when...

Never mind.

I shrug and try to force the smile away, but it creeps over my face when I think of Justin. I sigh, "I do," I admit, "I'm going out on a date with him tomorrow night."

"Hmm," he murmurs when he takes another sip from his whiskey.

Damnit. This man knows exactly how to make me sweat and I'm stepping right into his trap.

I fidget with my fingers over the glass of wine and shake my leg, "Is that okay? I mean," I gulp, "I wouldn't want you to think that I -"

He laughs and cuts me off, "Of course it's okay. You have to move on, even if it's just temporary. I get it."

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