3 hours, wow.


"That test was exhausting I can go sleep for the next two days now", Vanessa says as she sits down with her lunch.

"You said it and this is only the first one", Riley adds and she groans.

"I'm sleepy I stayed up to study for an exam I have early tomorrow morning since I need my sleep tonight", Stacy yawns.

"At least my exam isn't until after lunch", Aden grins, he's lucky and so is Jake.

Jake has an exam at 1:30 so he slept in this morning since he stayed up almost the whole night.

"Where's Jake? I didn't see him all morning and he didn't reply to my messages", Vanessa ask.

"He slept in, he got an exam at 1: 30", I reply.

"Wish I was like him", she mumbles.

"My exam is that time too, I chose evening classes which was a great idea", Jackson grins,"I love my sleep and also I could get over my hangover."

"Show off", Alex says.

Harry, Lucas, Jay and Austin all comes, Harry and Lucas both look tired.

"Man I swear if I get a C I did good cause I barely got any studying done", Lucas says.

"I manage to cram at the library last night since the frat house was noisy with some argument", Harry says.

"Is Jake still taking up that offer to the frat house?" Alex inquires.

"Who knows? I think its a bad idea they only want him so they can be more popular and boost their reputation since he's rich and keeps up a good grade", Harry answers.

"I'll talk to him so he can change his mind, I don't really want even more attention or more hoes making moves on him", Vanessa states.

I laugh and she smiles.

"Don't worry if I know Jake, he's not a player cause I was one and he's not even close to that", Carter says.

"If he takes up the offer, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid", Harry says.

"Me too", Alex adds, "if he does there are guys there who would make moves on you as soon as your relationship ends, they been targeting you since day one."

Vanessa looks surprise I am not because she's pretty, which single guy wouldn't want to get to know her?

"He's just exaggerating, don't worry", Harry laughs.

I shake my head.

When we are about to finish eat, Jake comes looking well rest and ready to do an exam.

"You look well rest wish that I could of been in your position", Vanessa kisses him and Carter wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"You will, didn't you tell me Wednesday you got an exam in the evening?" He states.

"Yeah, but that course is kind of difficult so I have to use my morning to finish study the last piece of notes", she sighs and Jake rubs her back.

"You'll know great just like you always do, I'll come over so we can go to the library and we can study together since my exam is evening also", he smiles.

"Are you sure you guys are going to 'study'?" Carter grins and Stacy smacks him.

"Yes they aren't like us", she snaps and Carter turns red.

"Hey Alex", a brunette hair girl says shyly.

She's pretty with bright blue eyes, she'swearing a skirt with leggings and a shirt with her sweater.

Its making chilly these days in a couple of weeks snow will begin to fall.

"Lexi, what's up?" Alex asks.

"I was wondering if we can borrow your notes, remember when I missed a class", she says.

"Sure, take it down then bring it back I need my notes", he smiles and digs into his bag then passes her the book.

"Thanks Alex, you're a life saver", she smiles.

"Don't mention it, but I will need a repayment", he grins.


"A date this Friday."

She blushes,"s-sure", she stutters and I see Vanessa grinning like a fan girl.

"Cool, I'll text you the details", Alex smiles.

She leaves.

"That's now you get a girl, take notes Jack and Aden", Alex grins and did a high five with Austin.

Aden rolls his eyes.

"Why would I do dates, when I can get hook ups way faster?" He says and Jackson did a high five with him.

"Story of my life".

"What about Gwen?" Vanessa frowns.

"Don't worry she was just a one month thing, turns out I only like her as a friend", Jackson retorts.

"Ouch friend zone", Austin laughs.

I know how friend zone feels, I look at Vanessa who is laughing at something Jake says.

"Yeah, but she already found a rebound at the college she attends so no problem for me worrying if I broke her heart", Jackson explains.

"That'll explain her status on Twitter", Caleb says.

"Enough chatting about relationship, we have to plan our spring break we must do something together before you guys leave", Lucas says.

"Like stay at a beach house for the weekend before you guys go", Caleb suggests.

"My parents have a private beach house and they said I can use it anytime I want, also Greg and Gregory with my brother would also want to come", Riley states.

Vanessa gets alert when she hear Greg's name, looks like they are good friends.

"So its planned the Friday after classes for spring break, we'll be staying at the beach house for the weekend then everyone can go home", Alex says and we all nod.

Vanessa looks at me and nods.

After the beach house, she'll be coming with me straight home spend about 3 days before she flies to her home to see her siblings and hang out with Dianne and them.

Jake catches her watching me and she looks away.

Jake frowns at me.

I hope she told him that she's not flying home with him on the Monday after the beach house.

I don't want to see his reaction when she does.


The Quarterback Still Like Me (wattys2021)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin