31. Blood for Blood

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Damien Knight
knight Pack Grounds

"So they attacked your territory for your mother?" Rudolfus asked Maddox, who seemed lost.

"I think so..."

"But we don't actually know if your mother had magical powers? It could have been anyone. Plus this is coming from a seven year old's memory." I pointed out, and everyone seemed to be silently agreeing.

"What about the book I saw get handed around? They were all super interested in that?" Kathleen supplied.

"Where is it though?" Lavender.

"I've a feeling we may have a few people in custody who may know." I smirked, and stood up to go find out. Lavender jumped up and joined me, along with everyone else in the room.

"Everyone can't come!" I groaned, trying to stare down the people surrounding me, and while it may have worked on Sally, Andrea, and even Maddox a tiny bit, no one else backed down.

"But Lavender gets to come!"

"I'm his mate!"

"I'm your brother!"

"I almost drowned and died." She looked cute when she was frustrated.

"Because you freaked out about sea weed or some shit." Ryd replied with a growl. This was giving me a headache.

"It's not the ocean, it wasn't sea weed. Plus, I'm still his mate and I get to go."

"You killed my dad, I need this as closure." Rudolfus supplied, eyes twinkling in a way that said that he was definitely not mad about his father's death. I growled in response.

"This won't be closure in any-"

"We need to see our mom before she goes completely rogue." Kathleen said with a frown.

"Not right at this-"

"If Lavender gets to go, I want to go." Maddox.

"Yeah, man. She's my baby sister and she almost drowned." Ryd. The sarcasm was rolling off of him in waves.

"It can't be a horrible idea to have a healer with you-" Sally began quietly, but I had heard enough.

"Whoever wants to come, can come." I stormed out of the living room, scaring several young pups playing in the garden as I hurried into the woods and towards the dungeons.

The family I had involuntarily acquired followed me like a gabble of geese.

Family? No.

I nodded to the guards, who parted ways without question nor raised brow at the party that followed me as I descended the stone steps in.

The dungeons were eerily an essential feature of all packs in North America and most parts of the world. It was even something you learnt in high school as a young pup, under Pack features or whatever.

It was essential for us - since the highest governing body of wolves were alphas, and a pack was similar to a country in human standards, we had to have our own prisons of sorts.

Also, the risk of rogues getting into human territory was something we tried to avoid at all costs.

Tatiana Xenos was chained to the wall of her cell, beside that of Liam Steins. Surprisingly, neither looked as if they were losing their minds - considering the fact that ones mate was dead and the others in a coma.

"Damien, my boy." The old witch cackled when she saw me, and her eyes trailed to her children, who still had traces of smiles on their faces because of some lame joke Maddox had cracked. Tatiana looked shocked.

"Kathleen. What are you doing, fraternizing with the enemy?" She sounded cold, there was no disbelief in her tone - however.

"Learning what's right, mother." Kathleen sounded colder. Tatiana's eyes drifted to Rudolfus, who stood much too close to Lavender, with Maddox on his other side.

"Rudy, surely you cannot submit to this madness?" Her eyes softened a tad for her only son, but when he didn't respond, they turned to me once more.

"You fucking monster." Her voice was level, her tone cold. "You dare use my own children against me?"

"I'm not using anyone, Tatiana. They are here by their own free will."

"Mom, what's the book you and dad were obsessed about before you joined the war to kill-" Rudolfus trailed off, unsure of what he was insinuating, but Kathleen picked up just as easily.

"The night you helped destroy the Sinek Pack." She laughed. The cold hearted bitch laughed, and while everyone was very close to strangling her, she finally spoke up.

In vain.

"You think I will give up and betray the secrets of The Seven so easily? You think wrong-"

"The Five." Lavender stepped up, eyes stormy but stance leveled.


"The Five. Two of the Alphas are dead." Tatiana Xenos snarled as my mate stepped closer to the bars separating them, and I tried to pull her back, a gentle hand stopped me.

"Remember, Alpha?" Sally's wise eyes stared up at me, and I could only watch as my mate pulled out my keys from her pocket and unlock Liam's cell.

Of course, he couldn't barge out - not with the chains heavily binding him, but he could jump quite far. Yet I waited.

Watched, as she produced a silver tipped knife. Watched, as Tatiana Xenos' eyes widened. Watched, as she drew a clean line of blood from his chest. Watched as the Xenos Alpha Female went crazy in her own chains.

"Would you care to divulge, Tatiana? Or would you like to be responsible for your brother's death?"


"No." She roared, and Lavender sliced open another side of his chest. Liam made not a sound. Behind me, I felt Rudolfus tense, and immediately I held him in a stronghold.

"If you don't want to watch this, you can leave, pup."

"No," he gritted out, but didn't fight against me - almost as if he didn't trust himself to stay still.

Lavender drew a third line across Liam Steins' chest. He gasped as a stronger flow of blood escaped this time. Tatiana Xenos roared from the other side of the bars.

"Don't think I won't stop, Tatiana. Revenge, I thirst for it." She sounded savage, she sounded more aggravated than I had ever heard her.

"I will not tell you." The older woman screamed. A fourth bloody line was created. I heard her brother gulp from behind me.

"He will bleed out." Lavender sounded bored. The fifth line slashed across the previous four, like a tally mark, and Liam groaned. His lip was profusely bleeding due to the biting.

She held the bloodied knife to his face.

"I'll tell you!" She sounded defeated. Lavender drew another line, this time on his face. He moaned in agony.

"It's with the Forrest Pack! Avery Forrest had it last." Another line, another moan.

"What does the book contain?"

"I can't tell you!" Another line, another pained groan.

"Magic. Ancient magic." Tatiana sounded scared now.

"Who did it originally belong to?" No reply, so much blood.

"WHO?" A slash, his fisted hand fell a stump on the floor. More than two people gasped in surprise. Liam howled, his matched by Tatiana's. Sally's hand was no longer on my arm.

"Rashni Padukone." We were pulling Lavender out of the dungeon in seconds, she was covered in blood but smiling.

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