A person (well maybe not a person person) who can change their body between a human form and wolf form.

Informal word for being in human form.

Informal word for being in wolf form.

A group of wolves who live together under the control of an alpha.

The leader of a pack of wolves. The alpha title is generally passed on to a blood relative of the alpha. Can be male or female.

Informal term for a strong female. Often confused with the Alpha male's mate. (An alpha male's mate is an alpha female but the alpha may refer to her as luna kind of like sweet heart or love).

Second in command of a pack of wolves. Passed on by general vote of the entire pack.

dominant wolves
Wolves that show strong leadership qualities and are able to control and utilize their wolf form to a maximum. An alpha and his mate are generally the most dominant wolves in a pack.

pack house
Where the alpha lives, along with his most trusted pack members.

pack boundary
The area that a pack of wolves call theirs.

Werewolves who have lost the control of their wolf form. Will eventually be driven to death by madness, or be killed by pack wolves. Very short life span.

lone wolf
A werewolf that does not belong to any pack by choice. Has full control of their wolf and is healthy.

A doctor of sorts, but they deal with magic and herbs as medicine. Common to all types of supernaturals. A healer is chosen at birth and should be trained by another more experienced healer before practicing.

blood oath
An oath made by cutting into the flesh and intermingling blood of an alpha and a potential pack member. Usually carried out when accepting new Pack members, but used to be carried out when a transition of power occurred from alpha to alpha.

A metal that is lethal to all wolves in pure form. Can cause organ failure leading to death if injected to blood in high doses, in low doses can slow down a wolf's activity and senses. On skin it singes and burns - in both forms.

the eight
The eight packs of North America; including Canada and Mexico. Consists of;
The Sinek Pack
The Knight Pack
The Gale Pack
The Xenos Pack
The Alejandro Pack
The Oxendine Pack
The Forrest Pack
The Lupei Pack

the seven
All of the packs, minus the Sinek pack after its destruction.

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