21. A Light in the Dark

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Knight Pack House

When I stepped out of the washroom in just a towel, slightly panicking because period, boy was I glad to see Sally there. She looked freshly showered too, but the tear stains down her face seemed to be permanent.

"I'll leave several boxes in the cupboard under the sink." She hiccuped, and momentarily I wondered if she was crying or laughing. "Or I'll forever be the Healer who just knows to hand out tampons."

"That's a lifesaver on so many levels, dude." I grinned at her as she handed it to me. I left the door ajar as she continued to talk from the other side.

"I don't care. I need to seriously look at the bruises on your neck, and the torn flesh on your wrists." I threw on a pair of sweatpants and frowned at my reflection on the mirror.

"Do you even realize that you could have gotten it infected! Manhandling wolves left and right like its nobody's business." Still staring at my reflection, I smiled slightly. She sounded like my mother.

Oh mama. I put on a sweatshirt, ignoring the bra. How you would love my new family. I stepped out and hugged Sally tightly.

"I'm sorry about everything." I pulled away and glanced at her tears eyes and saw my own reflected in them.

"I've known her since we were in diapers! We did everything together." She was sobbing loudly and openly now. My heart cracked for her. I lead her to the bed and sat down with her, her head on my shoulder as I stroked her hair.

It looked almost maroon in the dim lighting.

"And then she turned out to be Hale's mate!" She let out a choked sob, pulling away from me and staring into my eyes so tearfully I felt my own dam break.

"I've had a crush on him forever! She hated him!! And when.." she blubbered like a baby, and I wiped her tears gently with my palm, listening. "When they accepted each other I was so mad. I hoped she would die."

"What kind of best friend does that?" I couldn't reply. I knew I had to, I knew how she got out of this depended sorely on my reply, but I felt sucked dry as she was. My bank of wisdom was empty, out of loans and in debt.

"The kind that was in love with someone." A new voice filtered out midst, and I looked up to see Andrea, she looked terrible as well, and she hadn't showered.

She sat down on the bed next to Sally and hesitantly touched the small of her back. "I was in love with Hale Gardinger too." Sally stared at the girl through tear filled eyes.

"But once I turned eighteen, and he wasn't mine - I knew to let go."

"But you- you stood up for him-"

"Hale was my first boyfriend." Andrea looked a little irked to say so, but she continued. "My first serious one." She corrected with a tiny smile. "He and I were good friends above lovers. It's why I fought for him, but he understood differently."

"Pity for him," I muttered as Sally sat up a little straighter.

"When do you turn 18, Sally?" Andrea asked softly as she took her hand between her own.

"Two months."

"Wait until you meet yours, girl. They're going to be everything you've ever wanted." I didn't miss the way Andrea's eyes sparkled as she led Sally away. I would have sat there all night contemplating and wondering if Damien hadn't shown up.

Yes, my Damien.

"I was starting to worry." He told me with a smile as he shut the door. I climbed onto the bed and began to pull the covers back.

"Why's that?" Fluffed the pillows.

"That the girls will not let you go." The jealousy in his voice made me giggle. I situated myself under the sheets, basking in their silky smooth coldness. I noted that Damien wore a pair of sweats and a plain white t shirt as he sat down on the bed. His hand was suddenly tangled in my hair.

"Why are you so beautiful?" He muttered into my mind, taking me by complete and utter surprise. Not about the beautiful thing, I mean he was my mate so I didn't expect anything less from him, but the whole speaking into my mind thing. It was intimate.

"Don't lie, mister." I grumbled as I closed my eyes, but internally I was smiling. Smiling like craaaaaaazyyy.

"Why should I lie about something so obvious?" His breath washed over my face, and the warmth of it made me shiver. He also smelled like Colgate which was weird of me to notice just by the smell of it, but I did anyway.

"Besides, I asked you a question. Why?" I opened one eye to see his completely serious face and forgot about everything. I forgot that we were pretty much in the middle of a war, I forgot about people dying, I forgot about the traitors and how much of a jerk he had been to me. It was just him and I in a room, together.

The rest of it could wait. At least until sunrise.

So pushing everything to the back of my mind, I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me so that he was lying down above the sheets.

"Well." I started in a mock serious voice. "Every night before I go to sleep I apply a fruit mask on my face which cleanses my pores." Bullshit, the only way I ever go near any fruits is if they're in the form of gummy bears. But Damien looked like a dear in headlights so I continued.

"And I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. Hydration is very important." He nodded as if he knew, I didn't remember a time I'd drunk 10 glasses of water last, though.

"And I always remove any and all makeup before sleeping." My pillow removes the makeup from me when I sleep, to be honest. "And I never ever have makeup on for long periods of time," buuuullshiiit. "I don't apply makeup at all sometimes," I'm lying. I'm an onion of layers of makeup. "The natural look just," I sat up, flicked my hair back and puckered my lips as my mate just stared at me as if I were speaking Mandarin.

"I'm kidding you moron." I sat there and laughed and laughed and laughed while he just stared at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was. His loss.

"Thought you wanted to cuddle." He grumbled, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Come here then." I was still laughing when he crawled under the sheets next to me and took me into his arms.

"You're gonna be a right handful aren't you?" He asked as I finally stopped laughing and gave him a suggestive wink.

"Of course I am, honey."

Filler chapter😊✌🏽
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