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I sat, crouched on a thick branch as I watched the pack house carefully, the loaded gun in my hand felt unnecessarily heavy, even though I had used it plenty of times before.

My calves were starting to burn, and I knew balancing on tree branches was a bit much, even for me. But whatever the cost, I also knew that tonight's raid was crucial, if we got caught our asses were history. We weren't sneaking around any ordinary pack grounds tonight.

A light upstairs turned on, and I perked up, staring at the silhouettes of people inside the room; a couple, in a tight embrace. I chuckled dryly before contacting Leo.

"Third floor room on the left's got some action going on."

I got a grunt in reply, and all I could do was roll my eyes and pray to the Goddess my stupid brother didn't get murdered in there.

"Incoming from the North." A new voice filtered through my head, my brother Maddox, just as I heard the paws approaching. I had the time to aim my gun in the general direction as a wolf came into my line of sight.

It wasn't running exactly, but was in more of a hurried trot. I lowered the gun, knowing that any guard would be doing a hell of a lot more than trotting if they knew of our presence.

"The fuck's taking him so long?" Ryd, my third brother grumbled in my head.

"Maybe they had food." I replied as I continued to watch the house.

"Maddox, what was up with the guard who just came?" I asked. He was the one who had given me the heads up about the approaching wolf.

"Dunno, but we're safe. Don't worry." I didn't have the time to reply, as a giant explosion sounded from the pack house, followed by screaming and growling. I wasn't entirely sure of Leo had found any food, or any of the other important things he was supposed to be looking for, but it did seem like he was about to become food if we didn't get him out of there soon.

"Fuck, Leo. What happened?!" I swung effortlessly to the next tree, grabbing onto a branch and then swinging myself up so that I was closer to the pack house. Inside, I saw several silhouettes running.

"Got the stuff, to the border peeps." I only had a moment to collect myself when a second floor window broke and my brother came tumbling out. The backpack on his back was bulging, and I knew he had gotten something. I jumped down from the tree, and shot the wolf who followed him, on the flank.

Leo ran past me several seconds later."Thanks little sister."

I grumbled as I kept pace with him. He didn't have to blow up the pack house behind him, we could have silently crept out and saved the dramatic exit for another day.

"Ryd, Maddox, to the border." I called out as I easily kept up with Leo, running steadily through the trees, our ears peeled out to avoid any incoming wolves. While we were as silent as the night, we could hear their pants and agitated breaths even from miles away.

"Already there." Ryd's voice filtered in.

"The Alpha." Maddox growled into our heads. I groaned internally, knowing that adding an Alpha to the mix was dangerous.

"Take the bag," Leo swung the heavy pack to me, as I put it on quickly before stopping and beginning to climb the nearest tree.

"I got your back." I mumbled into his brain as he began to slow down, and I swung to the next tree and began to climb up steadily.

"I'm a mile out." Maddox.

"The trucks running." Ryd.

There was no reason we wouldn't get away. I loaded the gun, and had all senses trained out for the approaching alpha. As much as we made fun of pack wolves, underestimating an alpha was not a mistake any of us were about to make. I watched as he arrived, as silent as we were.

He hadn't shifted to his fur, sporting a pair of denim jeans and a loose t shirt, he could have been your average guy, but we all felt his power, and his anger.

An Alpha tended to have plenty of those to spare. There might have been a time in my life when I didn't want to be on the receiving end of that anger, but that time in my life was over. There wasn't any Alpha I wouldn't cross, and kill, to get what I wanted. This one barely looked as if he had broken into a sweat running through the woods chasing intruders in the dead of the night though.

"Rogue." He growled menacingly, Leo simply smiled. Three more wolves, all shifted, were now flanking the Alpha.

"I'm not a rogue." Leo sighed out, it really was annoying how these pack wolves immediately assumed that all wolves who didn't fall under a pack was a rogue. I did have to give kudos to Leo's flair though. He definitely had the ability to agitate any oppressor in the most charming way, while still keeping a clear head. A characteristic not all of my brothers had. Don't tell them I said that.

Why did they think we were rouges even when we had perfect control of our human sides, when we didn't smell like last week's dinner at the bottom of a dumpster covered in puke. (I realize that's too specific, but I've smelled it and it smells bad as you may imagine).

"You have no pack and you're trespassing. Punishable by death." The Alpha stated, apparently uninterested in the logistics of our pack-less state. Leo growled at that, and I saw him reach for his knives, so did the Alpha unfortunately.

"Drop your weapons, rogue." Leo bared his teeth in a ferocious growl.

"I am no rogue."

"Then what are you?" The Alpha sounded taunting and I scoffed to myself at his arrogance. Another trait Alphas abundantly had.

"I'll shoot the alpha and one of the cronies within the first 3 seconds, the one on the left. Say banana when you're ready."

"Always the damn bananas" Leo grumbled.

"I am here to bring justice to the innocents you killed, Damien." The Alpha growled. "You and the other seven of the land." I saw the alpha shift rather uncomfortably, and knew he would be attacking any moment now.

"The Sinek line lives on, and it will destroy everyone who betrayed them." A bit much, that one.

"Banana, little sis, fucking bananas" There were two bullets on the alphas hide before he could attack, followed by two on the crony to the left. I saw that Leo already had another knocked out before I shot the third one.

I dug through my pockets for more bullets, reloaded the gun and aimed at the alpha, who was having a go at my brother even with two silver bullets in him. I wished I could shoot a killing shot, aimed right at the bastard's head, but we weren't here to extract that kind of revenge. Unfortunately.

"I already have what I need, and I don't plan to fight you now, Damien. We'll fight again face to face, someday." Leo growled out, the Alpha lunged, landing a good blow on Leo's ribs. I heard the crack all the way from the trees before I shot him again on the thigh.

"I'll come back to finish you." Leo said dramatically, clutching his side as he backed away. I jumped down gracefully in front of the Alpha, meeting his eyes for the first time. The last of the Seven, Damien Knight, stared at me only for a few seconds.

"Mate." My wolf whispered fearfully.

Fuck that shit man.

Leo, Maddox, Ryd and I were in the truck and driving towards NY in the next fifteen minutes.


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