4. Its a Little Complicated

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New York City, US.
Present day.

"What do you mean by kill us, little sister?" Maddox growled lowly. I wished I hadn't told them this, why couldn't I have dealt with it? Rejected him, maybe?


"It's Damien Knight." I shuddered at the name. "My mate is Damien Knight." Leo growled so ferociously we all slightly drew away from him, technically being the oldest he was our alpha and his anger was palpable among us as he fumed.

"No! Are you sure?" I grumbled quietly in response, too tired for the fight he was itching to have.

"My wolf didn't go haywire for nothing, Leo." He growled again. If he was in his fur, he would be pacing right now.

"Did you realize this last night?" Ryd asked softly, he looked worriedly at me as if I would burst into tears at any given moment, which to be honest I did feel like doing.

"Yeah, him and I made eye contact right before we fled." My wolf whined lowly inside me. She was in distress and I knew, you weren't supposed to leave a mate after you met them.

In the older days, mating wasn't taken as seriously as it is now. That could have been because we were more in touch with our animalistic side, but all it came down to was that once a wolf met someone they recognized as withering mate, they spent the rest of their lives together. We didn't complicate things with definitions like the mate bond or terms like soulmates until much more recently.

Like the fact that one wolf was only attracted to another, and only another wolf for the rest of their life. That rejecting your soulmate could result in a slow and painful  death of both parties, that being with your soulmate made you more powerful. That your soulmate was the only wolf that was capable of providing love, pleasure and safety to you, amongst other things.

Pleasure and Damien shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence.


"If they were paired together, it could mean he wasn't in on the attack." Maddox suggested, brows furrowed as he glanced at Leo. That was the dumbest statement my bother had made up to that date.

"We don't know that!" Leo snapped back, but seeing my crumpling face he added quietly, "I'm sorry Lav, but we have to be sure. I'm not taking any risks with anyone of you." I could feel my eyes filling up as I looked away.

What had happened five years ago had definitely left each one of us vulnerable, and we had begun to depend on each other more than we ever had. I understood what Leo said, but -

"But Lav can't live without the bastard!" Ryd protested.

"I have an idea," Maddox. "So at the moment, we don't know if he's good or bad. So what if we go and dig through him deeper?" It was a step in the right direction that we no longer strictly only saw Damien as evil, I guessed.

"You mean re-enter his pack?" Leo asked, just as I understood what Maddox had been trying to say.

"Not necessarily. There are human towns in his pack grounds, yes? So we act human, and go settle down in a town close to the pack house. We can spy on him!!"

"You have to control yourself, though. He knows his mate is the girl who attacked his pack, so if we get caught..." my wolf growled at the thought.

"I will," I promised. "You guys are more important to me than any mate." Ryd chuckled as he swung an arm around me and pulled me closer.

"Let's see how that changes in time to come, little sister." I punched him on the ribs and glared at him, hating the idea already. I couldn't imagine ever abandoning my brothers, even for a mate.

"But what if he isn't a good guy?"

"Then we make him a good guy." I growled out. "We kidnap him, and beat the truth into him." It sounded harsh, but he was my other half and if he was down some dark and dangerous path I knew that it was up to me to save his ass from it.

"Beat the bad out of him. That sounds like us." Maddox rolled his eyes.

"So for now, we pour through this, and try to find as much evidence as possible, and then we head back for the Knight pack by dawn." Leo finalized, glancing at each one of us for confirmation. I nodded, and everyone else worded their agreement.

Knight Pack Grounds, Canada.

"Alpha," I glanced at the man who had entered my study and dropped the pen I'd been holding.

"Jim, did you find what I asked you to?"

"Yes alpha. There aren't many recorded survivors after the destruction of the Sinek pack, they say several normal wolves escaped, and some women and children who managed to get to safety, but most importantly... "the man seemed to gulp quietly, "all the children of Alpha Sinek are rumored to have survived."

"What?" I growled lowly as I pulled out a file that had records of all high ranking pack members of Sinek. There were so many questions running through my mind. "Why haven't they reclaimed the title? The land?" Jim shrugged, his shoulders drooping a little.

"They are simply rumors. They were but pups when it happened. The oldest was twenty or twenty one," he edged a little closer, lowering his voice slightly. "The informant from the Gale pack told me something else alpha." I took a final glance at Leonard Sinek's profile and then back at Jim.

My gut was sinking, I recognized the boyish face of Leonard Sinek from the night he attacked me in the woods. Although the face I had encountered the other night was far from boyish.

"They say that the heirs of Sinek are out to get revenge from those who were responsible for destroying their pack."

"That doesn't make any sense, Jim. It was a rogue attack." I responded, remembering my father telling me the news the morning after.

"Not everyone believes so, Alpha. None of us actually know what came there and attacked them, and no records of survivors are there. So it's all based on assumptions." Jim continued on, "I also found out that some of the survivors were being tracked down and murdered. Whatever happened there, someone wants to make sure it doesn't get out." I growled at the picture being painted in my brain. I flipped the page to see the second son, Ryder. He had the same reddish brown hair as his brother, but had soft green eyes instead of blue. It was obvious they were brothers, other than the eyes, it was nearly impossible to tell them apart.

"May I speak my mind, Alpha?" I glanced at the man.

"Of course."

"The packs were quick to divide and take their land. I'm not saying the packs had anything to do with it, but the Sinek's don't know that." I growled again at the thought, flipped the page and gazed at the younger face of Maddox Sinek. He had the same red-brown hair and the characteristic blue eyes.

"Assuming that the packs got together and attacked because of land, is ridiculous. We don't kill hundreds of our own kind just for land. That is absurd." I scratched my beard before flipping the page.

"Of course alpha."

"Is that all, Jim?" I breathed, staring at the page. The man nodded and disappeared out the door, shutting it quietly behind him.

Lavender Sinek stared back at me. Her hair was more brown than red, but her eyes were the warmest shade of chocolate brown I had ever seen. She was smirking in the picture, as if she were ready to kick ass. She was most definitely gorgeous, but of course a picture couldn't confirm if she was my mate.

If the Sinek's were alive, and if they were indeed seeking out revenge, I had to find them to put an end to this. Outraged pups were the last thing any pack wanted right now.

And if this Lavender Sinek was my mate, who barely hesitated before shooting me and leaving me behind, how could I trust her at all?

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