22. Rescue Me In the Dead Of The Night

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The lodge
Edmonton, Canada.

"Adri." I was awake, at three in the morning because of the voice in my head.

"Adri my darling don't be afraid. I need your help." I needed to go to the free clinic in the hospital and buy some pills, yes. Pills always helped with voices.

I rolled out of bed and flicked the light on before padding over to the sink in the bathroom where I dug through the cabinet for sleeping pills.

"Adri please, listen to me."

"No, for fucks sake, you aren't even real." I banged the door shut when I came out empty handed.

"Adrianna, is that you?" Mama was up.

"Yes, mama. Just came in for some water." There was no reply to that, and I assumed she had slipped back to sleep. She was a heavy sleeper, my mother. Proven by her ability to sleep while various men climbed in through the window - or simply the front door - and all the frick frack that happened afterwards.

"Adrianna. Do you want me to die?" And then a vivid picture of him being torn apart limb by limb by beasts entered my mind. I lost my balance and fell onto the tiles floor of the bathroom.

My heart felt as if it were on fire.

"Liam?" I called into the darkness.

"That's right, my sweet. Come help me." I was out the door in my blue night gown within a matter of seconds.

Knight Pack Medical Unit

I groaned internally as the stupid bitch I had to call my mate tripped and fell over another patch of bushes.

"Watch out for the bushes." I told her dryly as she picked herself up and maneuvered herself around them. So much for having a perfectly planned escape.

I'd first realized she was my mate during her high school dance nearly ten years ago. And even though I was much older than her and had given up the idea of finding a mate, the attraction was instant.

I did something stupid that night. I had sex with her. She was amazing, I was her first but I never expected her to never look back and start doing it with everybody.

True, I had never initiated any kind of relationship, but she couldn't just do that to me. Nearly a year on infidelity later, I managed to mark her - hoping to curb whatever she was feeling toward other males but there was no such luck.

So I grew to hate the one I was supposed to love, always apart and never together the way mates should be.

I don't know to this day why she chose to be that way, but I do know that humans are weak and the moon goddess cursed me with one just to see me suffer.

Seeing that she was close to the compound, I had to put my plan to action. I began to writhe and struggle on my shackled bed, allowing my eyes to roll back and my body to lift up suddenly.

"There should be a guard at the door. Wait till he's distracted and steal the key." The overhead light turned on, and someone hurried in. I felt cold fingers on my chest before a panicked pack member bellowed.

"I THINK HE'S SEIZING SOMEONE GET DOCTOR WIL!!" like that rickety woman could do anything. I writhed for a last time before biting down on my tongue harshly, tearing it and drawing blood.

I allowed it to gurgle out, beginning a new set of seizures as the pup above me grew more panicked.

"SHANE!!! HES COUGHING UP BLOOD!! THIS IS SOME GREYS ANATOMY SHIT OH MY GOD." Scrambled footsteps hurried over, and I knew two of the five guards were surrounding me.

One had gone to fetch Wilhelmina, which meant I had to step up my act to attract the other two as well. Rearing back, I allowed my head to shift - something wolves did before their spirit left them if they died in human form - and howled longingly.

When I shifted back, my tongue had already healed, but my head was throbbing because of the forced shift. I heard more footsteps but smelt no Wilhelmina and knew that the other guards were here as well.

"Should I untie him?!" The pup squeaked as I tore my wrists violently at the shackles, and I knew that I was bleeding heavily from there as well.

"I have the keys and I'm hidden in a broom cupboard. Liam, what's that sound ?? I'm scared."

"Stay like that until I call you, and for the love of God, don't get caught."

"What happened?!!" I heard the old healer question and I stopped moving entirely. My part was done, now to wait for them to leave.


I was sitting inside the broom cupboard, shaking slightly because it was freezing when I heard many footsteps enter the compound. I felt as if I was in a dreamlike state, all rational thinking had flown out the window once I had left home.

I had to save Liam.

And suddenly the door opened. I gulped in the dark, staring at the figure who had just entered and then at the broom behind me. I contemplated hitting him on the side of his head, but then decided against it when he spoke.

"I can hear you breathing, sweet." I gulped.

"Come here." I didn't see his face, and he didn't see mine as his hands were suddenly all over me.

"I'm glad the oath confirmed neither of us are disloyal. Personally, I think old Jim's gonna get caught." He was slowly removing my nightgown. I felt his palm on my exposed breast and inhaled, knowing he had confused me with someone else.

"Fred still sleeps like a log eh? It's good he never knows." His lips were on mine suddenly, and I couldn't do anything but kiss the demanding man back. I felt a rough beard, but nothing more as he pushed me back and lifted my night gown up.

Why did this always happen to me?

All that men ever did in my life was swoop in and use me.

Only Liam had ever given something back, well at least I thought he did.

Nearly two hours later, I scrambled out of the closet and into the narrow hallway. It was nearly three in the morning, courtesy of a wall clock.

"Liam, where are you?"

"I don't fucking know, check all the rooms." I found him in the second room I checked, and nearly fainted when I saw him.

My heart hurt to look at him.

He was shackled to a bed, his wrists were torn and steadily bleeding. He also had dried blood on his shirt, and a pained expression on his face.

His face also looked like someone had beaten him up horribly, though it looked several days old and healing.

I glanced around the room and deduced that it was some kind of hospital room, I also noticed belatedly the guard seated next to Liam who was fast asleep.

"Unlock the shackles. Don't make a sound." I stared at Liam's sleeping figure in surprise, but slowly crept forward to do exactly that.

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