Presidential Selection

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Each political parties had their selected representative to be one of Presidential candidates for the upcoming election and one of them is Choi Sooyoung whose running for the 2nd time and his grandfather, Sunghoon assures that he will win the seat this time. Stephanie Hwang who is one of the representative of her party again since no one volunteer to be the next and since her late father was a very influential political icon she's forced again by her father's colleagues to run from the said election even she's rejected them a couple of times threatening her.

"Are you sure you wanted to run again? I thought you wanted to travel around after your term ends?" Jessica asked when they both sitting at the couch in the corner of the Blue House conference hall.

"That's what I thought but Appa's colleagues forcing me all over again that they threatened me and Omma so I send her out of the country for her own safety with Yoong." Tiffany said as she sipped her champagne searching for a certain someone through oceans of people in the hall.

"Do you see Mr. Kim?" Tiffany asked the blonde who is looking somewhere as well with a champagne glass on her hand.

"We haven't seen or talked with each other since I arrived a week ago." Jessica replied masking her sadness from not talking with Taeyeon, she misses him like hell that she barely focused on her work.

"Do you plan to stay as my Chief secretary again if I win again?" The President asked again to distract themselves.

"You already knew my answer, Tiff." Jessica smile at her before her eyes landed on a guy who is wearing his bright smile while approaching them.

"Well, I'll excuse myself first." The blonde stood up as she greeted the guy before she left them.

"Nice to see you again, Madam President." Sooyoung greets and sat beside the unaware latter but Tiffany immediately shifted on her position into uncomfortable state but she couldn't excuses herself in an awkward situation like this so she stay and composes herself instead.

"Nice to see you as well, Mr. Choi." Tiffany greets back wearing a fake smile towards the guy.

"I never thought you wanted to be my rival again, Ms. Hwang? You said before that you will give up your position for me but happen just now?" Sooyoung open up a conversatin regarding the election but the latter seems uninterested by his question since beforehand she's being threatened.

"You're not dumb for yourself not knowing how politics works, Mr. Choi." Tiffany scoffed before she sipped her champagne gracefully.

"Don't make me laugh, I only wanted to take what belongs to me and it's something involves with you." The guy smirk at her before sipping his own liquor.

"If you're not intending to say anything good can I excuse myself?" Tiffany mocked before she stood up and leave the guy who is now wearing his frown face.

"I only want you to be back again with me, Fany." Sooyoung whisper sadly to himself as he sipped another shot.

"Oh, God that guy really keeps into my nerves nowadays! Ugh, why don't he leave me alone I slowly moving on with my life." Tiffany playfully pulled her hair out of frustrations as she walked out for a breather.

"Oh, Ms. President? Glad to see you here? You still look stunning like the first time we met." A middle-age man approached with a playful smirk on his face seeing Tiffany trembling in fear.

"W-What a-are you doing here?" Tiffany said in fear looking horror to see the old man infront of her.

"What? I'm one of your regular customer before and now you're acting like we're strangers, huh? I'm one of the richest man who paid you to br my one-night escort, you dirty slut!" The middle-age man snorted making Tiffany felt nauseous like hell.

"I wonder why the famous Hwang adopted a stray pet like you? I know how he lost his own daughter and suffers into a deep depression but why a slut like you replaces her place?" The middle-age man tried to touches Tiffany but a strong grip on his wrist mad him stopped before the bodyguard forces to twist it.

"AAAHHHHH!!! LET ME GO YOU F**KING ASSHOLE!!!!" The man cried in pain before Taeyeon releases him and pushed him away.

"BE THANKFUL YOUR LUCKY FOR WINNING THE PRESIDENTIAL BEFORE YOU WOMAN!!!!" The man walked away on pain holding his wrist, he's one of the board from Tiffany's party who knew her darkest past but Mr. Hwang who build the party making a deal with them not to reveal her identity for the sake of them and fortunately her popularity raised because of helping the poor, abuse women and elders that made her won the Preaidential seat.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you somewhere?" Taeyeon checking her out as he turned her around make her blushes hard.

"YAHHH!!!! YOU PERVERT!!!! STOP LOOKING AT MY BODY!!!!" Tiffany pushes him away but Taeyeon looks so seriously worried at her when he didn't saw her at the spot where he left her awhile ago.

"Seriously? Your accusing me? That guy looks more pervert than me, you know?" Taeyeon retorted as he holds his nose bridge out of annoyance from Tiffany's accusation.

"Thank you." Tiffany said without looking at him since she's looking down while fidgetting her fingers makes her awfully cute right now.

"Huh, if that pervert guy happens to touch you again I'll promise I twisted his both legs next." Taeyeon threatened while searching for the culprit inside the crowd.

Tiffany suddenly hugged him on his waist made him stumble a bit but his strong stature maintain their balance holding the latter on his warmth and let hwr do what she wants since he has no right to protest according to their contract but Taeyeon felt more comfortable than before, they rarely fight and talk back with each other after their last encounter at the Han River. He's more gentle to the President and helps her on some household chores since Tiffany didn't hired maids only trusted bodyguard that Jessica chooses since she trusted her instinct as well.

"M-Madam H-Hwang----"

"I order you to stay like this, don't look at me nor move or I will kill you here! I'm serious, Taeyeon!" Tiffany threatened as she buried her face deeply into his chest while hugging him tightly on his waist, they remain silent and stay rooted on their awkward spot. Taeyeon scratches his non-itchy head as he tried to looked somewhere else avoiding the demanding woman who was always abusing his weakness.

"She's really something that making me weak and fragile!" Taeyeon thought and smile to himself secretly as he places his both arms engulfing Tiffany back thinking that the latter's habit was to cuddle with someone but without him knowing, the woman was blushing madly from his bold yet sweet action and they stay like that until the conference ends without noticing their lost presence.

To be continued

A/N: I'm squealing to death because of TaeNy's insensible sweetness towards each other. Were you too? XD

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