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"Can I be prank with you?" Taeyeon asked annoyingly while he's holding a few shopping bags that he couldn't carry by his two hands. Tiffany who's wearing a pink hoodie, sunglasses so that no one would recognize her keeps on walking not minding the poor midget wearing a casual looks struggling to follow her around the mall.

"Sure... Go ahead!" Tiffany said in a cool manner, looking for another item to buy.

"Am I a bodyguard or your slave?" TaeYeon asked his new boss.

"It could be both.." Tiffany smirked at him before she focused her attention to some windows.

"Jerk!" Taeyeon mentally said while throwing a deathly glare into the arrogant woman walking ahead of him with an arrogant walk.

"Can you walk a little faster? I'm so hungry, can you buy me some food to eat?" Tiffany said as she sat at the bench inside the mall not caring about Taeyeon's struggle as she purposely not letting the midget sat since she occupied the space and now she's demanding for buying her a drink not realizing how could her bodyguard buy if he holds too many shopping bags on his hands, deep inside Taeyeon is already cursing her while faking a smile not even complaining because he wants to have a job to cover their expenses.

"I want black tea lemonade, can you buy me over there? Here use my own card." Tiffany handed him the gold card and put it inside his pocket not letting him to at least put down the shopping bags in mercy but she evilly let him buy while handing them.

"Sure thing, Ms. Hwang." Taeyeon said sarcastically before he walked through the nearby cafe with shopping bags on both hands.


The poor bodyguard is struggling to fall in line while holding the bags and the cafe were crowded by people, not wanting to burden anyone, he patiently wait for his turn to order but gratefully he bumped into Jessica who is choosing a drink for herself.

"Ms. Jung, thankfully I saw you here!" Taeyeon thanked God from heaven as well as His angels singing above as he spotted his savior, Jessica.

"Oh, Mr. Kim! What are you doing here? Where's Tiffany?" Jessica leaned in to whisper into his ears because she didn't want to let everybody knows that the President is here lurking around.

"She's resting outside after whining like a kid!" Taeyeon said honestly while sighing in defeat, Jessica chuckle at his cuteness and noticed the few shopping bags so she decided to help him.

"I'll take the other so you can order for yourself." Jessica said politely giving a warm smile into the blushing midget.

"Oh, thank you Ms. Jung." He said shyly.

"You can call me noona or Jessica, putting Miss into my name sounds formal." She said while they both line in queue with smile on their faces.

"Ah, noona? Can I ask you something?" Taeyeon asked shyly summing up all his courage to at least open a conversation with the blonde.

"Oh, sure spill." Jessica while looking at the menu in front of their line.

"Ahm, err.... d-do y-you... d-d y-you h-have -----" Taeyeon has been cut off by a sudden force pulling his ears from behind looking at the culprit eh saw a raging Tiffany.

"AAAHHHHHHHH, waeyo?" Taeyeon eyed the culprit with a murderous look but Tiffany wasn't affect by him and instead she flicked his forehead with force.

"YAH!!!" Taeyeon snorted while caressing his reddened ears.

"Hey! Tiffany!" Jessica greeted happily.

"Oh, what are you doing here, Jess?" Tiffany's mood turned into 180 degrees when she saw her bestfriend and decided to hug her.

"Buying drinks and I'm visiting Krystal at her dorm." Jessica answered as they pulled back from their embrace leaving Taeyeon out of place whose now staring at them or only to the blonde.

"She's like an angel." Taeyeon said dreamily as he looks affectionately at Jessica.

"And the other one is like a witch or more like a devil in disguise." Taeyeon added at the same time scoffed from watching Tiffany's smile reaching her ears but he found it totally grossed.

"What are you staring at?" Tiffany looked at him with a disgusted face.

"W-What? I'm not staring at you!!!" Taeyeon huffed as he was accused by the ungrateful woman.

"Fany, you're too rude at him, please be gentle with him, okay? He's such a cute little boy." Jessica said as she obliviously pinches his cheek made him totally shivered while Tiffany looking at them with a disgusted look.

"Stop being lovey-dovey here!" Tiffany scoffed while pushing Taeyeon on the line to order.

"I smells something like a green monster?" Jessica teases while stepping in front of the counter.

"NO WAY!!!!" The both said in unison earning a stern look from the people around them and they still didn't even noticed that the South Korean President is with them.

"She's here with her Chief secretary and her bodyguard....." An unknown figure is secretly watching the President's whereabouts from afar without them knowing and even careful with every report the culprit made. Looking to left and right the figure suddenly disappeared from the crowd but still watching the victim.

To be continued.

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